關鍵字:文化,創意產業,文化指標,cultural and creative industries , Statistics

文化指標(cultural indicators)是展現一個城市的文化活動與品味、文化資源與投入、文化認同與參與、文化創新與行政的重要參考依據。有別於經濟產值之單一思維,文化指標的建立還在於彰顯城市的文化特色與主體價值,同時與國際上(如聯合國教科文組織)之文化展開對話。此外,文化指標還有助於特定文化功能之檢視,以凝聚共識、找出城市核心價值,據以觀察文化的發展演變,作為文化施政的指引架構。
本調查報告分為六大章節。第一章為緒論;第二章為國內外文化指標相關文獻探討;第三章為臺北市文化指標架構及項目說明;第四章為 2015 年臺北市文化指標調查結果分析;第五章為臺北市文化指標趨勢與特色分析;第六章為結論,後附上各統計分析表。2015年度臺北市文化指標調查之調查重點整理為:
在文化資產構面上,包含古蹟、歷史建築、遺址、古物、傳統藝術、自然地景與受保護樹木。2015年臺北市的古蹟、歷史建築、文化景觀、古物、傳統藝術與民俗及有關文物登錄數皆較2012年呈現上升趨勢,在古蹟、歷史建築、文化景觀、古物之數量皆冠於全國。在古蹟及歷史建築之修復上,除編列經費進行修復外,亦補助民間進行修復,共計26件於2015年進行修復工程,在文化資產的活化上,亦推動老房子文化運動,截至104年12月底老房子文化運動已媒合19處。至於在自然資源的保存上,2015年市內受保護樹木總數為1,825 棵,較2012年成長8.31%。


文化活動代表文化活力,2015年臺北市全年辦理藝文展演活動總計有6,250個,出席人次達56,044千人次,主要70家公立文化設施之入館/入園人次達72,372,901人次,首輪電影總票房為42.04億元,臺北市各局處主辦或協辦的文化及藝術節慶活動共計89個,藝文徵選活動計有14個,臺北市轄區內設置之公共藝術累計有588件。在文化國際交流上, 2015年計有9位藝術家出國駐村,35位來臺駐村,來臺旅客共計9,604,602人次至臺北市觀光,外僑居留人士共有62,132人,外國人及陸生在臺北市大專校院研習共計有16,847人,由上述數據顯示,臺北市展現了充沛的文化活力。




Cultural indicators provide an assessment of the cultural activity, tastes, resources, involvement, identity, participation, innovation, and administration of a city. Unlike economic output indicators, these indicators highlight the cultural landscape and subjective experience of a city and facilitate the city’s cultural exchange with international organizations such as the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Moreover, the indicators assess specific cultural functions, thereby enabling consensus-building among relevant individuals and organizations to identify the core values of a city, chart the development of local culture, and inform cultural policymaking accordingly.
The Department of Cultural Affairs of Taipei City Government in Taiwan has developed a solid system of cultural indicators, grouped into six categories, through years of literature review, document analysis, reviewing the examples of other countries, and conducting focus-group discussions. The system undergoes periodic review and updates and is a strategic instrument for promoting cultural administration. In 2015, the department used cultural information and indicators derived from major cities or countries and data on their social developments to reevaluate all the categories and indicators in the system, thereby improving the effectiveness of the system for elucidating the cultural development of Taipei.
This report is structured as follows. Chapter 1 provides an overview of the report. Chapter 2 focuses the literature review of cultural indicators in Taiwan and other countries. Chapter 3 explains the categories of the Taipei City Cultural Indicator system. Chapter 4 presents an analysis of the 2015 survey results of the indicators. Chapter 5 describes statistical trends in the data on the indicators and the corresponding changes in the cultural landscape of Taipei (the statistical results are attached as an appendix), and Chapter 6 presents concluding remarks. The findings from the 2015 TCCI system survey are summarized as follows.

Amendments to some categories of the Taipei City Cultural Indicator
The Taipei City Cultural Indicator system used to comprise the categories of cultural heritage, cultural environment, cultural literacy, cultural activity, cultural exchange, and cultural industry. In the 2015 review of the indicator categories, “cultural environment” was divided into cultural space, cultural workforce, and cultural budget. However, following an analysis of cultural indicators used in other countries and two focus-group discussions with experts, it was instead separated into cultural space and cultural support. “Cultural exchange” was deemed an element of “cultural activity” and merged into it. Ultimately, the categories of the Taipei City Cultural Indicator system that were implemented in 2015 were cultural heritage, cultural space, cultural support, cultural activity, cultural literacy, and cultural industry.

Results of the survey
The category of “cultural heritage” comprises the following cultural indicators: ancient monuments, historical landmarks, archaeological sites, antiquities, traditional art, natural landscapes, and preserved trees. More ancient monuments, historical landmarks, antiquities, cultural landscapes, traditional art forms, and cultural events and related objects were registered in 2015 than in 2012. Notably, Taipei boasted a higher number of registered ancient monuments, historical landmarks, cultural landscapes, and antiquities than any other city in Taiwan in 2015. That year, the Taipei City Government earmarked funds to restore local ancient monuments and historical landmarks and support private restoration of them; in total, 26 ancient monuments and historical landmarks were restored. Moreover, rebuilding projects of 19 old residential properties in Taipei were agreed upon as of the end of December; 1,825 trees in the city were registered as “preserved,” an 8.31% increase from 2012.

The category of “cultural space” comprises the cultural indicators of performance spaces, movie theaters, exhibition spaces, dedicated art-creation spaces, and leisure spaces. In 2015, Taipei had 52 performance spaces (offering 21.90 seats per one thousand citizen of Taipei), 123 museums, 125 art galleries, 73 libraries, 37 movie theaters, 24 artist spaces (2 artist villages and 22 art studios), 8 urban regeneration stations, and 857 green spaces (spanning a combined 13.806 million m2 and constituting a combined 5.08% of the total land in Taipei).

The category of “cultural support” comprises the indicators of “cultural workforce” and “cultural budget.” In 2015, there were 1,341 accredited performing arts groups, 92 arts foundations, 1,399 certified street artists, 957 employees working at the Department of Cultural Affairs, 13,272 students enrolled in arts-related classes and degree programs across all levels of education (i.e., from primary to quaternary education) in Taipei. The local government allocated 7.76% (NT$12.57 billion) of its total budget to cultural affairs. Both the cultural workforce and budget increased compared with 2012.

The category of “cultural activity” indicates Taipei’s level of cultural vitality. Over the course of 2015, 6,250 arts and cultural events were held with a combined attendance of 56,044; moreover, 70 major public cultural facilities received 72,372,901 visitors, the combined box office of films on their first release amounted to NT$4.204 billion, 89 cultural and arts festivals were hosted and cohosted by various subordinate organizations of the Taipei City Government, 14 arts and culture competitions took place, and 588 public artworks were installed. In addition, 9 domestic artists attended international artist-in-residence programs, 35 international artists were enrolled in domestic artist-in-residence programs, 9,604,602 foreign visitors arrived in Taipei and 62,132 overseas Chinese resided in the city, and 16,847 international students studied in local universities. These data suggest that Taipei’s cultural vitality is high.

The category of “cultural literacy” concerns the level of public participation and spending related to cultural events. In 2015, Cinema attendance rate of the Taipei population is 52.6%, 49.1% participated in performing arts and 48% in visual arts, 46.5% visited museums, and 35.2% attended arts and cultural events. Of all the residents surveyed, 56.8% reported having learned arts and culture skills since childhood. Each household in the city spent NT$110,996 in 2015 on recreational, cultural, and educational activities. Overall, residents in Taipei had high cultural literacy.

The creative economy was more active in Taipei than any other region of Taiwan, in terms of the number of businesses involved in the sector, their capital size, revenue, and income from exports and the domestic market. Statistics released in 2015 by the Financial Data Center, Ministry of Finance indicated that for every 3.4 cultural and creative firms across Taiwan, there was one in Taipei; moreover, Taipei accounted for 56% of the total revenue of the domestic creative industry and 58% of the industry’s revenue from exports. Thus, Taipei plays a central role in the development of the Taiwanese creative industry.

Analysis of Trends in statistical data on Taipei cultural indicators and the city’s cultural special features

Because culture is inherently multifaceted, the cultural indicators described in this report do not provide a comprehensive understanding of cultural developments in Taipei. Nevertheless, this report illustrates the culture of Taipei to enhance public understanding of the city’s cultural landscape. Examples have been organized along the themes of preservation and revitalization of cultural heritage, transmission and promotion of folk culture, resources devoted to cultural development, and cultural vitality.
第一章 緒論
壹、前言    3
貳、歷年臺北市文化指標    6
第二章 國內外文化指標相關文獻探討
壹、國際文化指標概況  15
一、UNESCO文化統計框架與文化發展指標  15
二、波士頓文化指標  21
三、日本東京  28
四、新加坡  29
五、世界城市文化指標  30
貳、國內文化指標概況  35
一、文化部文化統計  35
二、臺灣文化指標(TWCI)  37
第三章 臺北市文化指標架構及項目說明
壹、臺北市文化指標架構  43
一、指標架構之調整與修正  43
二、臺北市文化指標座談會  50
三、指標架構  55
貳、臺北市文化指標調查方法說明  58
一、調查方法  58
二、調查限制  59
第四章 2015年臺北市文化指標調查結果分析
壹、文化資產  63
一、有形文化資產  63
二、無形文化資產  70
三、受保護樹木  71
四、文化資產再利用狀況  73
貳、文化空間  76
一、表演藝術空間  77
二、電影院空間  84
三、展覽空間  86
四、創作空間  89
五、自然休閒空間  91
參、文化支援  96
一、文化人力  97
二、文化經費  101
肆、文化活動  107
一、知識性活動  108
二、創作性活動  109
三、展演性活動  112
四、文化與藝術節慶活動  117
五、國際文化交流  120
伍、文化素養  128
一、2015年文化參與率與參與頻率  129
二、家庭休閒、文化及教育平均消費支出  138
陸、文化產業  139
一、文化創意產業整體營運概況  140
二、臺北市文化創意產業各產業概況  142
三、臺北市文化創意產業行政區分布概況  145
第五章 臺北市文化指標趨勢與特色分析
壹、國際比較  149
一、指標構面及項目比較  149
二、指標數據比較  155
貳、臺北市文化指標趨勢與特色  160
一、文化資產保存與活化  160
二、傳統民俗文化的傳承與推廣  161
三、文化之軟硬支援  165
四、文化活力的展現  169
五、文化創意產業的群聚發展  182
第六章 結論
結論  187
參考資料  191
附錄三、成為宜居永續城市-發展多元文化指標  243
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