
「數位國家應致力於數位轉換(Digital Transformation)與智慧連結(Intelligent Connectivity),從技術到應用,從法規到政策,帶動邁向活躍網路社會與蓬勃數位經濟之發展」。



隨著寬頻社會所帶動的數位轉換,將整合各項科技技術,進而形成綿密的智慧連結,創造出有利數位創新的環境。本會將持續以「開放、連結、創新」的施政理念,從前瞻的視角,與多方利害關係人共同協力合作,以完善我國數位基礎環境、納入網路治理(Internet Governance)精神、促進數位包容社會與縮短數位落差,進而健全傳播產業環境以及推動匯流法制的革新。為落實政府施政透明的精神,提升民眾參與公共政策的機會,依據通訊傳播基本法第13條規定,本會每年應就通訊傳播健全發展、維護國民權利、保障消費者利益、提升多元文化、弱勢權益保護及服務之普及等事項,提出績效報告及改進建議,以利各界瞭解本會施政成果。如果需要進一步了解通傳市場動態,本會亦於106年開始出版《通訊傳播市場報告》,將過往績效報告呈現的相關統計數據,結合需求面消費者行為調查,就通傳市場動態進行更全面、深入的探討及分析,相信能夠為讀者帶來更多面向的思考。整體而言,本會106年度施政重要績效成果,包括:4G用戶數持續成長、有線電視數位化將趨近於完成100%、落實公私協力、促進多元文化均衡發展、強化偏鄉數位基礎環境、維護身障者通訊傳播近用環境、培養公民媒體素養、建置救災行動通訊、協助通傳產業建立個資保護制度、推進匯流修法進程、以及國際交流成果等。


Globally, whether in technology, applications, regulations or policy, we see nations one after the other committing to the digital transformation and intelligent connectivity, paving the way for an active network community and prosperous digital economy. Similarly, adhering to the principles of openness, connectivity, and innovation, the National Communications Commission (NCC) endeavors to improve the digital infrastructure of Taiwan, enhance internet governance, strengthen the communications environment, promote digital inclusion, bridge the digital divide, and facilitate convergence in the legal framework. One of the commission’s statutory duties as stipulated in Article 13 of the Fundamental Communications Act is to publish annual performance reports along with specific recommendations for improvements concerning our core duties: the sound development of communications; protection of citizens' rights and consumer interests; promotion of a culturally diverse environment; protection of minority' rights and interests; and the provision of universal services.

In 2017, the NCC published the first version of the Communications Market Report, which replaced the section of communications statistics in the former NCC Performance Report. The report offers a comprehensive in-depth insight and analysis of the communications market based on statistics from past performance and consumer behavior surveys, with analysis and views from various perspectives.

The advance of digital technology is undoubtedly creating a paradigm shift. In response to the various market conditions in the post-convergence era, the NCC is committed to establishing a digital environment that is effective, one which inspires ideas and brings impetus to startups, to give rise to and create prosperity and offer opportunities for all in the digital economy. A new page is turning for Taiwan, one that requires closer interaction between related agencies, industries, and stakeholders and a forward-looking approach to digital governance.
圖次  4
表次  6
前言  7  重要績效成果  11
第一章  國際通訊傳播發展與我國表現  17
全球通訊傳播市場概況  18
全球通訊產業發展趨勢  21
全球傳播產業發展趨勢  30
數位應用發展趨勢  36
國際網路治理概況與趨勢  50
我國通訊傳播國際評比  51
第二章  我國通訊傳播政策績效成果  59
我國通訊市場概況  60
我國傳播市場概況  62
建構寬頻基礎環境,驅動數位經濟發展  63
健全廣電產業發展,維護視聽眾權益  70
關照偏鄉離島需求,建構數位包容社會  76
維護通訊傳播秩序,保障消費者權益  84
建構匯流法制環境,鼓勵產業創新競爭  91
國際交流與合作,強化跨境網路治理  94
第三章  展望與願景  103
完善寬頻環境,掌握網際網路機會  104
健全傳播環境,促進視聽新媒體內容發展  105
保障偏鄉與弱勢權利,建構數位包容社會  106
革新匯流法制環境,促進數位經濟發展  107
附錄一  國家通訊傳播委員會簡介  108
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