

(三)品牌形象缺乏一致性:許多廠商的產品包裝、品牌識別設計缺乏識別度,故未能與競爭對手在視覺上形成差異化。部分廠商在產品包裝、文宣品等呈現出品牌形象過於紊亂,缺乏一致性,而無法真正傳達品牌 所欲傳達的核心價值。


1.諮詢訪視及媒合轉介: 針對具品牌發展潛力之企業進行電話及到場諮詢訪視,以了解企業品牌發展現況以及所需資源,包括華擎科技、台灣櫻花、普萊德科技、怡利電子、鼎基先進材料、網路中文資訊、等共計107家次,其中有14家為中堅企業、2家為35大台灣國際品牌。此外,完成媒合83家企業適切資源提供企業參考,使企業所提出的問題能夠得到確實解惑及處理,並定期追蹤團隊後續協助處理情形。
3.品牌價值調查: 本年度分為二階段作業,第一階段依據財務標準,由公開發行之家企業中評選出入圍品牌企業共60家;第二階段經與Interbrand於香港進行最終36家入圍名單討論會議後,已確認本年度台灣二十大國際品牌,並於11/29舉辦之「2016年台灣二十大國際品牌交流會」進行名單頒布及表揚。
1.重點標竿品牌企業:本年度延攬五家國際品牌顧問團隊,包括英國Interbrand、Fitch Design、Isobar、美國Prophet以及國際行銷公司Red Peak,分別提供台灣20大國際品牌企業聯發科及合勤科技、中堅企業的宏佳騰(共3案),針對其現行品牌發展所需提供客製化輔導專案。


This project includes four sections this year. The first section is the Brand Project Office, the second one is brand consulting projects, the third one is the core-value strengthening projects (including IP, patent, product competition, design and customized brand courses), and the last one is brand research.
The result of each section is summarized as below,

1.Project Office: This year the project office members offered a total of 80 consulting services, including 16 onsite visits and 64 consulting phones, and helped 46 companies acquire the corresponding project resources. The Project Office held three illustration meetings to introduce the project resources on March, with 312 participants involved. The website of the Branding Taiwan Project has 378 news published and 726,874 new visits accumulated in 2015.
To select Taiwan’s twenty most valuable global brands of 2015, the screening process has conducted to identify and pre-screen brands for inclusion in this years’ ranking. On Oct 27, the list of top 20 Taiwan global brands has been announced with 205 follow-up news reports.

2. Brand consulting projects: There were 15 eligible enterprises approved for brand diagnosis service, 13 brand consulting projects acquired subsidies to build up brand strategy or marketing plan. Two enterprises were approved for channel diagnosis service, while three brand consulting projects were approved the subsidies to channel management.
In order to strengthen products competition, 11 enterprises were received consulting service and 2 enterprises were provided with subsidized projects.

3. Brand core-value project:
(1) Benchmark brand project: This year, three eligible global Taiwan brands acquired subsidized brand consulting projects on brand management, brand visual system and channel experience.
(2) IP potential risk evaluation: As the role of intellectual property (IP) risk guardian in the project "Branding Taiwan Campaign-the Second Phase", our goal is to strengthen the competing advantages of brand enterprises by providing customized IP related services. For example, by offering international trademark and patent search and analysis, we assist brand enterprises to evaluate their competitors’ and their own IP protection and management status so as to lower the risks of IP infringements and enhance the protection of brand names and related branding elements.
This year, we provided IP risk analysis service to 15 brand companies and assisted 1 renowned brand company to apply for international trademarks according to its brand marketing plans. We successfully helped these companies strengthen brand protection and lower IP infringement risks with customized IP services.
(3) Brand Paten Strategy project: An effective patent strategy depends on many factors, such as technology or industry sector, size and maturity of the business, technology lifecycle, and the business and market environment. Considering that business relationships can be part of quite complex networks, it is crucial to realize whether patents can assist in some aspect of business development and to contemplate offensive tactics such as suing a potential infringer or barring importation. Patent landscape reports established by ITRI in this year provide a snap-shot of the patent situation of a specific technology, either within a given issue, region or industry. They have informed policy discussions, strategic research planning or reducing risk of infringement which is good for 9 domestic enterprises (including 5 bigger and 4 smaller ones) to build up reputation and product branding ideas on their own. In particularly, they have successfully helped above 9 companies to focus resources on features of core technology that differentiate the company’s offering from the competition and provide market advantage to create global horizon of patent portfolios for developing enterprises.
(4) Brand Design project: Four enterprises acquired subsidized design projects.
This Co-branding project provides benefits to the involved businesses by enhancing product or service exposure to consumers, marketing new products and services, and enhance the brand awareness of the consumers or clients.
(5) Brand Courses: Brand Development Institute serves to provide a comprehensive and holistic academic planning based on corporate’s branding needs, which varies through different stage of its branding talent development. In collaboration with domestic enterprises and government associations, the institute offers a broad selection of customized courses that are designed for both current and future brand managers. With lecturers coming from professional fields such as brand operation, business management, media marketing, and intellectual property, the courses are composed with both academic theories and hands-on practices in strive to deliver domestic companies the resources needed for branding breakthrough. For the general public, there are also free-admission lectures held periodically in hope to establish an information exchange platform for the Taiwanese business community, but also a learning output for who that wishes to learn about branding.
4. Brand research: Four research topics were conducted this year, including the brand performance analysis among the Best Taiwan Global Brand companies based on their public financial reports, and the domestic brand business performance analysis by quantitative survey. A study on comparison of channel strategies in domestic and oversea market through the international case studies, and try to figure out the aim behind the difference. We also used the export and fiscal raw data to estimate the brand power index of the industry section among Top 5 trade markets (USA, EU, Japan, China, and ASEAN).
第1部分        計畫執行成果摘要  
第2部分    計畫執行報告
一、計畫目的、計畫架構與主要內容 1
二、計畫經費與人力執行情形 496
三、計畫已獲得之主要成果與重大突破(含量化成果output) 498
四、主要成就及成果之價值與貢獻度(outcome) 506
五、跨部會協調或與相關計畫之配合 512
六、檢討與展望 513
七、附錄 516
相關資訊請洽服務人員(02)2586-5000 分機237。