關鍵字:巨量資料,big data,中小企業,small and medium enterprises,新創企業,startups,早期投資,early-stage investment,群眾募資,crowdfunding,股權投資,equity investment,FINDIT平台,FINDIT,估值計算機,Valuation Estimator


在「提升資訊力」方面,本年度持續強化巨量資料內容,提供更貼近使用者的資訊服務,動態解讀與分析資料與早期資金動向,亦透過FINDIT平台發布本計畫各項工作成果,並整併同性質平台,節省訊息蒐集成本;擴充新創企業資料庫與支援功能,累積國內潛力新創案源及投資機構介紹。另外,針對資料加值應用,強化群募評測站(CrowdTest)功能,並開發估值計算機(Valuation Estimator),協助新創企業在評量過程中,重新自我檢視,了解自身的創業價值,站在更為貼近投資者的角度思考市場趨勢與企業發展。




The goal of this project is to build an information transparent environment for innovation and entrepreneurship by unveiling the trend of global early-stage investment. For this purpose, we adopt three major strategic thrusts: "enhance information literacy," "enhance innovated insight” and "enhance the linkage."

In terms of "enhance information literacy," we construct a database which contains deals of equity investment, projects of crowdfunding and information from startup related medium around the world. In 2017, we provide a more user-friendly information service, interpret and analyze early capital data movements more dynamically, and publish all the achievements of the project through the FINDIT platform. Furthermore, based on FINDIT database, we strengthen the function of the CrowdTest which helps the reward-based crowdfunding proposer to compare the key success factors with success projects, and establish the Valuation Estimator (VE) to help the pre-revenue startups evaluate market value of their business.

As of the innovated insight enhancement, we conduct research on "Crowdfunding Fund Flow and Innovative Trend Analysis". Also, we analyze the reward and equity crowdfunding trend, monitor the public opinion of investment in early-stage capital market (ESCM), innovation and investment network, and interpret the real-time information and case studies. Secondly, to capture the dynamics in ESCM, we provide the monthly reports to reveal the latest news and trends in ESCM, covering such topics as innovation and entrepreneurship trends, crowdfunding observation, equity investment trends, analysis on important topics, and entrepreneurship and fundraising resources in Taiwan and abroad. The monthly reports are delivered via different channels so as to achieve the goal of "enhancing insight" to the public.

To "enhance the linkage," by cooperating with domestic strategic partners such as crowdfunding platforms, accelerators, incubation centers and institutions, angel investors or institutional investors, etc., we hold several entrepreneurship seminars and match meetings. Second, in the promotion part, the Facebook fan page, e-Newsletters and FINDIT platform are three channels to promote our activities and events. Third, through the offline mode, we hold FINDIT platform promotion seminars to introduce the FINDIT platform to the investors and startups. Moreover, with the exchange and connection of overseas innovation and entrepreneurship-related entities, as well as hosting the global angel and venture investment summit, this project is able to make connections between local startups/investors and international investors, and increase the exposure of the domestic startups to international markets.
第一部份 基本資料 1
第二部份    計畫目標與架構 4
壹、緣起與目的 4
貳、計畫目標 5
一、計畫定位與目的 5
二、全程計畫推動目標與發展藍圖規劃 9
三、全程計畫工作項目、預期績效指標及效益評估基準 11
參、實施策略及方法 20
一、106年度計畫目標 20
二、計畫架構與策略重點 22
第三部份    執行方法與期末進度 27
壹、巨量資料分析平台之更新與維運 27
一、早期投資資訊萃取與更新 27
二、平台資料動態更新 33
三、主題研究專區 36
四、介面優化 42
五、使用者滿意度調查 81
貳、資訊應用加值 91
一、估值與群募評測工具 91
(一)精進群募評測站功能 91
(二)「估值計算機」功能開發 95
二、平台整併 123
三、天使與新創資源平台資料更新 125
參、平台推廣 132
一、巨量資料分析平台推廣 132
肆、趨勢洞察分析 139
伍、國內外引資協助 140
一、國內連結 141
二、海外連結 150
三、創新創業與募資倍力輔導 195
四、創新創業與募資領航講座 209
五、辦理投資媒合會 222
六、辦理國際天使投資論壇暨新創企業展示會 253
陸、計畫協調與支援 282
第四部份    檢討與後續努力方向 304
壹、預期效益與實際執行績效 304
貳、努力方向 315
參、預算配置 320
第五部份    未來計畫工作重點方向 321
壹、107年度工作重點 321
貳、下一期計畫(108~111年)工作重點 324
相關資訊請洽服務人員(02)2586-5000 分機237。