關鍵字:進口量異常,預警監測,Abnormal imports, warning system


2.針對資訊科技協定擴大(ITA expansion)我方關稅減讓項目,每月監測進口量異常增加情形,並於106年3月召開之「貿易自由化受衝擊產業審議會議」提報溯自105年5月ITA擴大協定生效月份起之監測結果。

(二) 維護與更新貿調會現有「貿易救濟預警監測系統」,並對外提供查詢功能

There are three main parts to this year’s work:
1.Cooperate with the Executive Yuan's "Program for Trade Liberalization Industry Adjustment and Support Program" and legalization of “Adjustment and Support Regulations in Response to Trade Liberalization "
2. Maintain and update the "Trade Relief Early Warning Monitoring System" and provide an external inquiry function
3. Other cooperative work
The focus of the work is as follows:
1. Cooperate with the Executive Yuan's "Program for Trade Liberalization Industry Adjustment and Support" (and the legalization of “Adjustment and Support Regulations in Response to Trade Liberalization.")
i. Each month, monitor any unusual increase in imports for the Tariff Reduction Products List from our regional trade agreements for the tariff concession project.
ii. In view of the ITA expansion on our tariff concession project, we monitored monthly abnormal increases in imports and reported back to the "Trade Liberalization Industries Impact Review Meeting" held in March 2017, and monitored results from the month, May 2016, in which the ITA Expansion Agreements came into effect.
iii. Where there is abnormal increase in imports of items, survey the relevant industry (or professional association) and obtain manufacturers’ views.
iv. Review the list of "products possibly subject to impact from imports" from January to December 2017.
v. Cooperate with the International Trade Commission (ITC) to hold a "Trade Liberalization Industry Impact Review Meeting", and provide the meeting with relevant information and explanations, including the list of products impacted, the import situation and industry profile (for example, collecting information on the impact on the industry or its related economic factors). Also assist in the provision of conference aides and assistance, such as meeting minutes, handling of resolutions, follow-up and briefings, etc.
vi. As required by the ITC, review and amendment this mechanism, including "the accreditation criteria for abnormal increase in imports" and the content of the questionnaire.

2. Maintain and update "Trade Relief Early Warning Monitoring System" and provide an external inquiry function
i. Maintain and update the "Import Statistics Database", including information on the volume and price of goods imported from China.
ii. Continue to maintain and update the "Regional Trade Agreement Tariff Reduction Products Import Database" together with its "Cross-Strait ECFA Tariff Reduction Products Database" and the "ROC regional trade agreements for Tariff Reduction Products Database ". In addition, newly create an "ITA Expanded Agreement Import Tax Reduction Products Database" providing "ITA Expanded Agreement on Tariff Reduction imported products abnormal price alert information inquiry" and a "volume import trends in ITA Expansion Agreement Tariff reduction products".
iii. To adjust items in the "Results of early warning monitoring mechanism" including "Monthly monitoring results of tariff reduction products under the RTA", "Results of monthly monitoring of tariff reduction products under the ITA Expansion Agreement"; "Quarterly monitoring results of tariff reduction products "; "Collection of results of quarterly monitoring of anti-dumping duty products" and "Quarterly report on the monitoring mechanism for abnormal imports."
iv. Using charts, show monthly / quarterly monitoring results for the "Trade Relief Early Warning Monitoring System" for inquiries and e-mail to the relevant industry associations and manufacturers for reference.
v. As requested by the ITC, offer monitoring information on designated products or the volume / price of a country’s products for a specific time period.
3. Other
i. Cooperate with the ITC to provide statistics related to case investigations.
ii. Undertake satisfaction surveys: using questionnaires given to those who regularly use the early warning system database.
iii. As necessary, provide database-use statistics.
第一章  緒論
第一節   計畫緣起及目的 1-1
第二節   計畫範圍與內容 1-4
第三節   工作方法與預期效益 1-7
第二章  配合「貿易自由化後進口量增加之產業監測機制」執行情形
第一節 進口量異常增加產品清單 2-2
第二節 進口量異常產品清單之問卷調查結果 2-16
第三節 「貿易自由化受衝擊產業審議會議」之執行情形 2-29
第三章  區域貿易協定降稅產品進口變化概況
第一節 區域貿易協定降稅產品整體進口概況 3-1
第二節   區域貿易協定進口量異常產品監測結果          3-30
第三節   課徵反傾銷稅產品之進口變化分析 3-96
第四章  「貿易救濟預警監測系統」網站資料庫之維護與更新
第一節 網站資料庫之內容介紹與維護更新 4-1
第二節 網站資料庫之訊息發送 4-22
第三節 特定產品項目或來源國之量價監測 4-26
第五章    結論與建議
第一節 結論        5-1
第二節 建議        5-6
附錄1 早期收獲清單與經濟部工業產品分類對照表 附-1
附錄2 預警燈號初步判斷標準模型 附-9
附錄3 區域貿易協定對廠商之影響問卷調查 附-19
附錄4 早收清單進口量異常產品清單彙整表(100年1月~102年11月) 附-25
附錄5 106年度「貿易救濟預警監測系統」滿意度調查 附-35
附錄6 臺巴經濟合作協定我方降稅之工業產品 附-50
附錄7 106年度「進口量異常預警監測機制」期中、期末報告審查意見回覆表 附-52
相關資訊請洽服務人員(02)2586-5000 分機237。