關鍵字:區域組織,經濟合作,多邊外交,Asia-Pacific, Regional Cooperation, Economic Integration


3月,CTPECC與PECC法屬太平洋群島委員會(FPTPEC)共同於台北喜來登飯店,舉辦「第三十三屆太平洋經濟共同體國際研討會」,主題為:「智慧城市與貿易」(Smart Cities and Trade)。與會國外貴賓包括:前WTO秘書長暨FPTPEC主席Pascal Lamy、FPTPEC副主席Jean Luc Le Bideau、法國Veolia顧問Nicolas Renard、法國Lemoing Architect Group總裁Christophe Le Lemoing、法國企業顧問Alain Liger、美國東西方中心資深研究員Charles Morrison、PECC新加坡委員會主席Tan Khee Giap、日本GRIPS資深研究員Kenichi Kawasaki、新加坡Rolls Royce政策代表Jessica Yom、eBridgeChina研究中心院長Anyu (Andy) Lee、紐西蘭奧克蘭大學教授Rob Scollay、瑞士國際貿易中心主任Khemraj Ramful、前智利駐中國大使暨伍德羅·威爾遜國際學者中心資深研究員Jorge Heine共來自7個國家13位專家。本次會議由外交部國際組織司徐佩勇司長擔任致詞貴賓,CTPECC林建甫主席主持開幕場次。兩天會議總共分為7個場次:1) Impact of circular economy in concept and planning for smart cities, 2) Raising the benchmark for sustainable urban transportation, 3) Sustainability and ethics, 4) Smart cities, smart islands, 5) Trade facilitation-role of technical codes and standards, 6) Harmonization of standards, & 7) Potential impact of circular economy on connectivity and trade聽眾人數達120人,互動熱烈。
7月,CTPECC分別完成北部與中部場的亞太青年培訓營-Model APEC (SOM)。議程包括:區域經濟整合與APEC介紹、我國參與APEC重要議題、青年參與國際事務經驗分享、國際經貿情勢分析、國際禮儀介紹,以及模擬APEC國際會議等等。2018亞太事務青年培訓營-Model APEC (SOM)總共訓練120名學員。11月,邱達生秘書長更應邀擔任外交部「2018年亞太地區國際青年菁英領袖營研習班」-「國際合作與援外政策」講座,講題:「亞太區域經濟整合、前瞻產業升級」。88名學員背景-國際青年菁英領袖,為該國或區域之政府官員、民意代表、政黨幹部、國會助理、重要智庫青年學者、研究員、企業與學生菁英領袖、媒體等。學員國籍來自-吐瓦魯、馬紹爾群島、吉里巴斯、帛琉、索羅門群島、諾魯、緬甸、馬來西亞、泰國、印尼、越南、菲律賓、汶萊、印度、澳洲、紐西蘭、巴紐、斐濟、韓國、新加坡,共計20國。國際青年菁英領袖對台灣的經濟發展感到高度興趣,頻頻發問,與邱達生秘書長互動非常熱烈。

8月, CTPECC秘書長邱達生應遠景基金會邀請,參與出訪菲律賓及馬來西亞智庫,訪問團由遠景基金會陳唐山董事長領隊,參訪智庫包括:菲律賓太平洋經濟合作理事會(PPECC)、亞太協進基金會(APPPFI)、菲律賓外交學院(FSI)、馬來西亞國際關係與政策研究院(ISIS)、民主與經濟研究所(IDEAS)、馬來西亞經濟研究院(MIER)。訪談過程主要針對我國新南向政策、美中貿易戰、印太戰略議題,廣泛交換意見。
9月,PECC於中國海南島三亞舉辦「APEC後2020願景及亞太區域整合國際研討會」(PECC International Symposium on APEC Post 2020 Vision and Asia Pacific Regional Integration),CTPECC林建甫董事長與蔡靜怡副研究員與會。林建甫董事長應邀發表演講,主題為「APEC優先議題-亞太數位願景」(APEC’s New Priority: An Asia Pacific Digital Vision),強調數位經濟對亞太區域未來發展的重要。

CTPECC每月發行太平洋企業論壇簡訊,每季發行Asia-Pacific Perspectives英文季刊、每年發行「太平洋區域年鑑」

The Chinese Taipei Pacific Economic Cooperation Committee (CTPECC) is a project commissioned by the ROC Ministry of Foreign Affairs, whereas the CTPECC secretariat is located in the Department of International Affairs, Taiwan Institute of Economic Affairs. The goal of CTPECC is to help promote regional economic cooperation and also Taiwan’s multilateral relations with Asia-Pacific economies. Main achievements of CTPECC in the year of 2018 include:

a) CTPECC successfully organized the 33rd Pacific Economic Community Seminar, “Smart Cities and Trade” that examining and exploring relevant issues. CTPECC worked together with FPTPEC in organizing this important event. Thirteen famous international scholars and experts from seven different countries were invited to Taipei and served as speakers sharing their distinguished views.

b) CTPECC organized the youth training camp programs, one was in Taipei and the other in Taichung. This program helped train 120 learners and selected outstanding young representatives to attend the APEC Voice of Future event.

c) CTPECC held 4 Pacific Business Forums and 12 International Political and Economic Workshops. Elites from the tripartite sectors were invited to take part in these events. Important issues were thoroughly discussed such as the rising protectionism and influences, industry 4.0 and progress, digital economy and so on.

d) Dr. Chien-Fu Lin, Chairman of CTPECC led the delegation and attended the 39th PAFTAD international meeting, the 25th PECC General Meeting and other important regional events. Dr. Lin and his delegation delivered speeches and share their views with international participants.

e) As for Publication, CTPECC issued the Pacific Business Forum Newsletter monthly, the Asia-Pacific Perspectives quarterly, and Pacific Yearbook annually. As for outreach, CTPECC researchers were very frequently interviewed by the news media or invited to attend television talk shows relevant to political and economic issues. In addition, they were also invited by the public and private sectors to make speeches.
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