關鍵字:亞太經濟合作,勞動社會安全保障,未來工作.社會韌性,復甦,APEC, labor social protection, future of work, social resilience, recovery

1989年成立亞太經濟合作(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, APEC)以來,APEC已成為亞太地區經貿領袖重要的諮商合作論壇。同時,透過貿易與投資自由化、商業便捷化、經濟技術合作等途徑,以達成「茂物目標」(Bogor Goals),俾使亞太區域邁向繁榮與發展之途。

近年來勞動部積極於APEC場域研提倡議計畫,參與APEC人力資源發展工作小組(Human Resources Development Working Group, HRDWG),並擔任其項下之「勞動與社會保障分組」(Labor and Social Protection Network, LSPN)窗口。特別重視人力資本的跨境運用與勞動力跨境移動衍生之社會安全保障議題,希望能作為我國與其他經濟體在APEC架構下推動雙邊或多邊社會安全保障合作之基礎。


Since the establishment of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) in 1989, APEC has become an important consultation and cooperation forum for economic leaders in the Asia-Pacific region. At the same time, through trade and investment liberalization, business facilitation, economic and technological cooperation, APEC has sought to advance the Bogor Goals. The result is that the Asia-Pacific region has moved towards prosperity and development.

In recent years, the Ministry of Labor has been actively researching and proposing proposals in APEC, participating in the APEC Human Resources Development Working Group (HRDWG), and serving as the Labor and Social Protection Network (LSPN) window. Special attention is paid to the social security issues derived from the cross-border use of human capital and the cross-border movement of labor. The Ministry of Labor seeks to serve as the foundation for our country and other economies to promote bilateral or multilateral social security cooperation under APEC.

The Taiwan Institute of Economic Research (TIER) assisted the Ministry of Labor to participate in APEC labor issues in 2020. TIER had provided professional staff resources to support the Ministry of Labor’s advancement of APEC activities and meetings. In addition, TIER had regularly examined the development trends of various economies through research and analysis as well as review and revision of documents. TIER researchers had also participated in APEC meetings. The result is the strengthening of discussion on labor issues in APEC.
壹、 計畫背景 1
    一、APEC  HRDWG簡介 2
    二、計畫目標 2
    三、重要工作項目及實施方法 3
貳、工作成果摘要 6
    一、APEC勞動及社會保障趨勢分析報告摘要 9
    二、APEC秘書處與各經濟體文件分析報告摘要 26
    三、我國LSPN跨國勞動力社會安全保障計畫建議書暨成果報告 62
    四、2021年APEC勞動事務之倡議文件摘要 64
    五、「數位時代下勞動市場衝擊社會安全保障APEC研討會」執行成果分析與策略建議 67
附件一、 APEC勞動及社會保障趨勢分析報告(月報) 附1-1
附件二、 APEC秘書處與各經濟體文件之分析報告(週報)    附2-1
附件三、 我國LSPN跨國勞動力社會安全保障計畫建議書暨成果報告    附3-1
附件四、 2021年APEC勞動事務之倡議文件報告    附4-1
附件五、 專家學者諮詢會議紀錄 附5-1
附件六、 出席2020年APEC會議紀錄 附6-1
附件七、 駐點人員差勤報告 附7-1
相關資訊請洽服務人員(02)2586-5000 分機237。