關鍵字:電價方案,需量反應,再生能源發展,鴨子曲線,電力市場,Electricity Tariff, Demand Response, Variable Renewable Energy, Duck Curve, Electric Power Market




According to the energy transition policy in Taiwan, renewable power will account for 20 percent of total electricity generation by 2025, which is the most important policy target, therefore, renewable power generation capacity is expected to increase gradually. As the renewable energy generation is increasingly introduced to the Grid, it will change the shape of load duration curve. The net load curve (the difference between electricity demand and the amount of variable renewable resources) will be becoming to the duck shape, and make the system dispatch more difficult as well as affect the electricity cost and tariff structure. Therefore, there are some oversea power companies have adjusted the TOU price gap and time zone between peak and off-peak, to guide the customs behavior of the power users.

It is expected that the cost of renewable energy generation will decrease year by year in the future, compete with the current progressive electricity tariff and TOU scheme of Taiwan Power Company (TPC), and impact the electricity revenue and rate structure. In response to the penetrating progress of Taiwan's renewable energy, the TPC should plan short, medium and long-term reform strategies earlier, so that the application of power resources can become more sensible and diversifed, and make the future electricity tariff scheme and demand response program meet the needs of the power system and market opening.
Based on the above issues, this study will refer to the foreign electric power company in different stages of renewable energy development, and discuss the related direction of international demand-side management measures, including in response to the impact of renewable energy, electricity tariff and demand response reform direction and related support, and then plan our future reform strategy on demand-side management measures. In view of the existing scheme, this study will propose the revision direction of the current TPC’s progressive electricity tariff, TOU scheme and demand response programs, and the cost-effectiveness of the scheme adjustment will be calculated by reference to the five main cost-benefit model testing methods mainly used in the international power companies, and the scheme will be revised and refined by the evaluation results.

Meanwhile, this study will also survey the load pattern and design electricity tariff, TOU scheme and demand response programs particularly for the load characteristics in Kinmen district in line with the needs of the system, and will be of great benefit to the subsequent electricity tariff, TOU and demand response scheme revision.
壹、計畫背景與目標 1
一、研究背景與目標 1
二、預期成效 2
三、國內外相關研究之進展現況 2
貳、計畫執行情形 7
一、再生能源發電對系統負載之影響 10
二、國外電業因應再生能源之電價及需量反應調整作法研析 18
三、研擬我國因應再生能源之電價及需量反應改革策略與相關配套 100
四、研析因應能源結構改變之電價成本分攤與訂價方式 148
五、配合計畫需求召開專家諮詢會議 178
六、電價與需量反應方案調整對利害關係人的影響及成效分析 204
七、研擬相關政策推動說帖與舉辦說明會 218
八、研擬因應金門地區負載型態及系統需要之時間電價及需量反應方案 232
九、結論與建議 270
參考文獻 272
(一)需量反應成本效益資料 1
(二)金門成本資料取得 3
(三)金門需量反應方案成本分析 6
相關資訊請洽服務人員(02)2586-5000 分機237。