關鍵字:電力市場,電力交易平台,電力市場監管,日前輔助服務市場,市場操作者,Electricity Market, Electricity Trading Platform, Electricity Market Monitoring, Day-Ahead Ancillary Service Market, Market Operator



Since the end of the last century, building a competitive electricity market has become a common goal of governments around the world in the pursuit of liberalization of the electricity sector. Regulatory measures are highly important for system operators or supervisory commissions as they help ensure an efficient market. Nevertheless, various measures to help with the electricity reform need to honor the premise of having steady electricity supply. For Taiwan, the first stage of electricity reform began in 2017, when the updated Electricity Act was enforced following amendment. Electricity distribution remains as state-run to ensure a fair grid that may be accessed by the public. Meanwhile, the electricity trading platform operator shoulders the responsibility to advance the operating efficiency on the electricity market. The Ministry of Economic Affairs released the “Regulations Governing the Electricity Trading Platform” in June 2021. The electricity distribution service providers are authorized to set up and run the electricity trading platform that consists of a day-ahead ancillary service market and the reserve capacity market. How the electricity trading platform is run is unprecedented in Taiwan as well. It is important during the preliminary stage while the platform is being developed to confirm the feasibility and stability of its design and its operation. However, the bidding pattern adopted by electricity trading platforms is new to the nation. The market development, management, and monitoring mechanism and how it functions all need to be discussed and further advanced once it comes into play.

This research aims to explore how to form an electricity trading unit and how it should exercise and improve the regulatory mechanism on the electricity market to boost fair trade and maintain normalized developments on the market. First of all, this research has completed the research on commodity planning and bidding mechanism of the ancillary service market of advanced power grids in Europe and America (including the Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Maryland Interconnection, the Midwest Independent Transmission System Operator and the National Grid Electricity System Operator), gather foreign market monitoring and management method through their market monitoring reports, and propose a cost analysis model suitable for state-owned electricity generating enterprise. Secondly, this research has completed the cost analysis model of various resources (including generator, energy storage, self-use generator, and demand response) and referred to foreign power grids’ measurement to mitigate market power and propose amendments to our country's mechanism. Moreover, this research plans the market management and monitoring mechanism of the electricity trading platform. In addition, based on the needs of practical operations, this study compiles standard operating procedures related to market quotation abnormality monitoring, information disclosure, market statistics monthly report preparation, and market management and monitoring annual report preparation. Finally, this study focuses on the challenges faced by the electricity trading platform in identifying the internal and external environments. It also studies the implementation methods of market force mitigation measures, the design of diversified products, strengthened automated market management, and the linkage between information disclosure and market demand, and several strategies to cope with challenges.
第一章    緒論 1
第一節    研究緣起 1
第二節    國內外相關研究 3
第三節    研究目標、預期成效及研究流程 11
第二章    蒐集先進國家輔助服務市場商品規劃與成本計算 18
第一節    國外輔助服務商品規劃 18
第二節    國外輔助服務成本計算 29
第三節    國外輔助服務商品及報價綜合比較 42
第四節    本章小結 43
第三章    國外電力市場監管機制與作法 45
第一節    國外電力市場監管機制研析 45
第二節    國外電力市場監管報告架構與內容 51
第三節    國內外市場監管機制綜合比較 80
第四節    本章小結 81
第四章    電力交易平台輔助服務成本分析模型 82
第一節    電力交易平台參與現況及商品規格 82
第二節    發電機組運轉特性分析方法 90
第三節    儲能設備成本分析方法 95
第四節    需量反應成本分析方法 98
第六節    日前輔助服務市場報價機制檢討及修正建議 105
第七節    本章小結 116
第五章    電力交易平台監管機制 117
第一節    電力交易平台市場管理及監視 117
第二節    專家諮詢會議 121
第三節    本章小結 135
第六章    電力交易平台市場管理及監視之挑戰與因應 137
第一節    電力交易平台運行暨內部與外部環境分析 138
第二節    電力交易平台面臨之挑戰及因應策略 167
第三節    《電力交易平台管理規範及作業程序》之修訂建議 185
第四節    本章小結 198
第七章    研究發現及建議 199
第一節 研究發現 199
第二節 後續研究建議 203
參考文獻 205
附件一    以數理經濟學解析調頻備轉之成本基礎報價公式 209
附件二    電力交易平台管理及監視報告架構 217
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