關鍵字:研究發展,研發,執行部門,研發類型,研發密集度,全時約當數,生物技術,Research and Development(R&D), Sectors of Performance, Type of R&D, R&D Intensity, Full-Time Equivalent(FTE), Biotechnology

1. 研發經費占GDP之比率


3. 經費來源


1. R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP
In 2018, ROC's R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP was 3.36%, an increase of 0.16% from the previous year, and an increase of 0.38% compared with 2014. R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP has increased annually over the past five years, with the largest increase in 2018. R&D expenditure of the private sector has always been the key driver of R&D funds in ROC if only the share of R&D expenditures of private sector as GDP is looked at separately. In 2018, R&D expenditure was 8.5%, almost a five-year high. The R&D percentage of GDP rose from 2.33% in 2014 to 2.73% in 2018.

2. Sector of performance
As BE sector R&D expenditure accounts for over 70% of gross domestic expenditure (GERD) and over 80% in 2018, the growth of GERD and BE R&D had similar annual increases. The increase in GERD funding expenditure is roughly the same as that of BE R&D. In BE, the corporate sector grew by 8.9% in 2018, which was a new five year high. The 50% increase in BE R&D expenditure was mainly due to the contribution of human resources costs. The R&D expenditure growth rate of GOV sector in 2018 was -2.5%, and this is mainly due to a decline in capital expenditure. The growth rate of HE R&D expenditure reached record high at 6.2% and this increase is mainly contributed by the influx of R&D funds from the government. The PNP R&D expenditure growth rate was -44.4%, and this is mainly a result of the adjustment of the OECD classification as certain expenditure portion that was orginally in the PNP category had been to be excluded. However, the scale of R&D expenditure in this sector was only NT$0.7 to NT$1.7 billion over the years, which is negligible. Planning fluctuation in the sector has been reflected the figures, however, these have a limited impact on the growth of overall R&D funding.

3. Source of funds
With regards to the source of R&D expenditure in each sector, among the three sectors, GOV, HE and PNP, government resources were key in supporting R&D. The exception was the BE sector. In the GOV sector, more than 95% of R&D funding actually comes from the government itself. This part of R&D expenditure is directly affected by the increase or decrease of the government R&D budget. In the HE sector, R&D expenditure sourced from the BE sector increased year by year, but the government's attention to research and development funds in the HE sector is still an important factor affecting the increase and decrease of R&D expenditure in HE sector, still accounting for 80% of the total. In the PNP sector, expenditure sourced from the GOV sector was around 50%. In addition to government funding, R&D funding from foreign resources were key to maintaining growth in the sector. Compared with the R&D expenditure of government and the private sectors (including the BE sector, the HE sector, the PNP sector, and overseas sectors), the R&D expenditure growth rate shows that private sector R&D expenditure increased by 8.5% in, 2018 compared with the previous year, while government source R&D expenditure increased by 1.9% compared with the previous year. In terms of the proportion of R&D expenditures by government and the private sectors, since the growth of the private sector is faster than that of government sector, the R&D expenditure from the private sector in 2018 accounted for 81.2%, an increase of 3.1% over 2014, while the government sector accounted for 18.8% in 2018, a decrease of 3.1% over 2014

4. R&D Expenditure by type of R&D
R&D personnel costs include annual payment and salary, various related expenses, and benefits, such as dividends, vacation payments, retirement fund transfers, social insurance expenses, and payroll taxes. These all continued to increase from NT$263.5 billion in 2014 to NT$336.8 billion in 2018. The ratio of labor costs to overall R&D expenditure has exceeded 50% since 2009, and has remained in the range of 54.4%-54.8% over the past 5 years. In 2018, due to an increase in the number of R&D personnel and the adjustment of personnel salaries or bonuses in the BE sector, the growth rate of labor costs was 7.8% which increased from the previous year, the growth rate was higher than the average growth rate of 6.3% over the past five years.
According to DGBAS Earnings and Productivity Statistics show that the average monthly wages per capita has increased as compared with previous year in both manuafacturing and service sectors. The impact of the development of flexible wages in all schools has increased for the HE sector as compared with the previous year. The increase in human resources costs for 2018 also hit record high in recent years.
Other current costs include materials, maintenance, utilities, travel, rent, tax and other non-capital expenses purchased to support R&D (e.g. costs for computer software and other intellectual property products that were used for R&D for one year or less). These cost NT$219.1 billion in 2018, and the growth rate in 2018 was 7.1%, which is higher than the average growth rate of 5.3% over the past five years. Other current costs continued to increase, but the ratio to GERD dropped from 36.8% in 2014 to 35.6% in 2018.
Capital expenditure as a proportion of GERD over the past five years has jumped from 8.8% to 10.0%. Since expenditure on land/buildings and instruments/equipment is calculated on the basis of actual current-year spending, and not on the basis of depreciation and amortization, their amounts tend to fluctuate significantly from year to year. Fluctuations also occur when R&D units adjust their capital expenditure in response to changes in economic conditions or strategic planning.
序    1
前言    4
I  提要分析    7
一、我國科技指標總覽    8
二、我國研發概況分析    11
三、主要國家研發概況比較  41
II  國際間科技活動比較    65
說明    67
II-1.  歷年主要國家研發經費    68
II-2.  歷年主要國家研發經費占GDP  比率    69
II-3.  歷年主要國家研發經費(不含國防)占GDP  比率    70
II-4.  主要國家研發經費-依執行部門區分    71
II-5.  主要國家研發經費-依經費來源區分    72
II-6.  歷年主要國家高等教育研發經費之企業出資比率    73
II-7.  主要國家基礎研究經費占研發經費比率    74
II-8.  主要國家企業研發經費占產業附加價值之比率    75
II-9.  主要國家研發人力    76
II-10.  歷年主要國家之政府研發預算    77
II-11.  SCIE  各國論文發表篇數及名次    78
II-12.  SCIE  各國論文被引用次數    79
II-13.  SCIE  各國論文平均每篇被引用次數    80
II-14.  EI  各國論文發表篇數及名次    81
II-15.  美國核准發明專利數及排名    82
II-16.  主要國家大學以上畢業生人數-依科技領域區分    83
II-17.  歷年主要國家技術貿易額收支比    84
III  我國科技活動    85
(一)總論    87
III-1-1.  歷年全國研發經費與國民所得    87
III-1-2.  歷年全國研發經費-依執行部門區分    88
III-1-3.  歷年全國研發經費-依經費來源區分    89
III-1-4.  歷年全國研發經費-依研發類型區分    90
III-1-5.  歷年全國研發經費-依支出項目區分    91
III-1-6.  歷年全國研發經費-依科技領域區分    92
III-1-7.  歷年全國研發經費-依社經目的區分    93
III-1-8.  歷年生物技術研發經費-依執行部門區分  94
III-1-9.  歷年全國研發人力(全時約當數)-依執行部門區分    95
III-1-10.  歷年全國研發人力(全時約當數)-依人力別區分    96
III-1-11.  歷年全國研發人力(全時約當數)-依性別及人力別區分    97
III-1-12.  歷年全國研發人力(全時約當數)-依學歷區分    98
III-1-13.  歷年全國女性研發人力(全時約當數)-依學歷區分    99
III-1-14.  歷年全國研究人員(全時約當數)-依學歷區分    100
III-1-15.  歷年全國研究人員(全時約當數)-依科技領域區分    101
III-1-16.  歷年全國女性研究人員(全時約當數)-依科技領域區分    102
III-1-17.  歷年全國研發人力(人數)-依執行部門區分    103
III-1-18.  歷年全國研發人力(人數)-依人力別區分    104
III-1-19.  歷年全國研發人力(人數)-依性別及人力別區分    105
III-1-20.  歷年全國研發人力(人數)-依學歷區分    106
III-1-21.  歷年全國女性研發人力(人數)-依學歷區分    107
III-1-22.  歷年全國研究人員(人數)-依學歷區分    108
III-1-23.  歷年全國研究人員(人數)-依科技領域區分    109
III-1-24.  歷年全國女性研究人員(人數)-依科技領域區分    110
III-1-25.  歷年全國研究人員(人數)-依年齡組區分    111
III-1-26.  歷年全國研究人員與人口數    112
III-1-27.  歷年全國研究人員平均每人每年使用經費  113
(二)企業部門    114
III-2-1.  歷年企業部門研發經費-依經費來源區分  114
III-2-2.  歷年企業部門研發經費-依研發類型區分  114
III-2-3.  歷年企業部門研發經費-依支出項目區分  115
III-2-4.  歷年企業部門研發經費-依科技領域區分  115
III-2-5.  歷年企業部門研發經費-依員工數分層區分    116
III-2-6.  歷年企業部門研發人力(全時約當數)-依人力別區分    116
III-2-7.  歷年企業部門研發人力(全時約當數)-依性別及人力別區分    117
III-2-8.  歷年企業部門研發人力(全時約當數)-依學歷區分    117
III-2-9.  歷年企業部門女性研發人力(全時約當數)-依學歷區分    118
III-2-10.  歷年企業部門研究人員(全時約當數)-依學歷區分    118
III-2-11.  歷年企業部門研究人員(全時約當數)-依科技領域區分    119
III-2-12.  歷年企業部門女性研究人員(全時約當數)-依科技領域區分    119
III-2-13.  歷年企業部門研究人員(人數)-依學歷區分    120
III-2-14.  歷年企業部門研究人員(人數)-依科技領域區分    120
III-2-15.  歷年企業部門女性研究人員(人數)-依科技領域區分    121
III-2-16.  2018  年企業部門研發經費-依OECD  行業別與經費來源區分    122
III-2-17.  2018  年企業部門研發經費-依OECD  行業別與支出項目區分    126
III-2-18.  2018  年企業部門之研發人力(全時約當數)-依OECD  行業別與人力別區分    130
III-2-19.  2018  年企業部門之研發人力(全時約當數)-依OECD  行業別與學歷區分    134
III-2-20.  歷年企業部門研發經費-依OECD  行業別區分    138
III-2-21.  歷年企業部門研究人員(全時約當數)-依OECD  行業別區分    142
III-2-22.  歷年資訊通信科技(ICT)產業研發經費與研發人力    146
III-2-23.  歷年高科技產業研發經費與研發人力    147
III-2-24.  歷年中高科技產業研發經費與研發人力    148
III-2-25.  歷年中低科技產業研發經費與研發人力    149
III-2-26.  歷年低科技產業研發經費與研發人力    150
III-2-27.  2018  年企業部門研發經費-依我國行業別與研發類型區分    151
III-2-28.  2018  年企業部門研發經費-依我國行業別與支出項目區分    152
III-2-29.  2018  年企業部門研發人力(全時約當數)-依我國行業別區分    153
III-2-30.  歷年企業部門研發經費-依我國行業別區分    154
III-2-31.  歷年製造業研發經費占營業額之比率-依我國行業別區分    155
III-2-32.  歷年企業部門研究人員(全時約當數)-依我國行業別區分    156
(三)政府部門    157
III-3-1.  歷年政府部門研發經費-依經費來源區分  157
III-3-2.  歷年政府部門研發經費-依研發類型區分  157
III-3-3.  歷年政府部門研發經費-依支出項目區分  158
III-3-4.  歷年政府部門研發經費-依科技領域區分  158
III-3-5.  歷年政府部門研發人力(全時約當數)-依人力別區分    159
III-3-6.  歷年政府部門研發人力(全時約當數)-依性別及人力別區分    159
III-3-7.  歷年政府部門研發人力(全時約當數)-依學歷區分    160
III-3-8.  歷年政府部門女性研發人力(全時約當數)-依學歷區分    160
III-3-9.  歷年政府部門研究人員(全時約當數)-依學歷區分    161
III-3-10.  歷年政府部門研究人員(全時約當數)-依科技領域區分    161
III-3-11.  歷年政府部門女性研究人員(全時約當數)-依科技領域區分    162
III-3-12.  歷年政府部門研究人員(人數)-依學歷區分    162
III-3-13.  歷年政府部門研究人員(人數)-依科技領域區分    163
III-3-14.  歷年政府部門女性研究人員(人數)-依科技領域區分    163
(四)高等教育部門    164
III-4-1.  歷年高等教育部門研發經費-依經費來源區分    164
III-4-2.  歷年高等教育部門研發經費-依研發類型區分    164
III-4-3.  歷年高等教育部門研發經費-依支出項目區分    165
III-4-4.  歷年高等教育部門研發經費-依科技領域區分    165
III-4-5.  歷年高等教育部門研發人力(全時約當數)-依人力別區分    166
III-4-6.  歷年高等教育部門研發人力(全時約當數)-依性別及人力別區分    166
III-4-7.  歷年高等教育部門研發人力(全時約當數)-依學歷區分    167
III-4-8.  歷年高等教育部門女性研發人力(全時約當數)-依學歷區分    167
III-4-9.  歷年高等教育部門研究人員(全時約當數)-依學歷區分    168
III-4-10.  歷年高等教育部門研究人員(全時約當數)-依科技領域區分    168
III-4-11.  歷年高等教育部門女性研究人員(全時約當數)-依科技領域區分    169
III-4-12.  歷年高等教育部門研究人員(人數)-依學歷區分    169
III-4-13.  歷年高等教育部門研究人員(人數)-依科技領域區分    170
III-4-14.  歷年高等教育部門女性研究人員(人數)-依科技領域區分    170
(五)私人非營利部門    171
III-5-1.  歷年私人非營利部門研發經費-依經費來源區分    171
III-5-2.  歷年私人非營利部門研發經費-依研發類型區分    171
III-5-3.  歷年私人非營利部門研發經費-依支出項目區分    172
III-5-4.  歷年私人非營利部門研發經費-依科技領域區分    172
III-5-5.  歷年私人非營利部門研發人力(全時約當數)-依人力別區分    173
III-5-6.  歷年私人非營利部門研發人力(全時約當數)-依性別及人力別區分    173
III-5-7.  歷年私人非營利部門研發人力(全時約當數)-依學歷區分    174
III-5-8.  歷年私人非營利部門女性研發人力(全時約當數)-依學歷區分    174
III-5-9.  歷年私人非營利部門研究人員(全時約當數)-依學歷區分    175
III-5-10.  歷年私人非營利部門研究人員(全時約當數)-依科技領域區分    175
III-5-11.  歷年私人非營利部門女性研究人員(全時約當數)-依科技領域區分    176
III-5-12.  歷年私人非營利部門研究人員(人數)-依學歷區分    176
III-5-13.  歷年私人非營利部門研究人員(人數)-依科技領域區分    177
III-5-14.  歷年私人非營利部門女性研究人員(人數)-依科技領域區分    177
(六)  我國中央政府科技經費預算    178
III-6-1.  歷年中央政府各單位科技經費預算    178
III-6-2.  歷年政府研發預算-依社經目的區分    179
(七)科技成果    180
III-7-1.  歷年我國SCIE  論文發表篇數-依科技領域區分    180
III-7-2.  歷年專利申請與核准數-依本國人與外國人區分    181
III-7-3.  歷年我國專利核准數-依專利項目區分    182
III-7-4.  歷年技術貿易額  .  183
III-7-5.  2017  年技術輸出與輸入額-依我國行業別區分    184
III-7-6.  歷年技術輸入額-依輸入國區分    185
III-7-7.  歷年技術輸出額-依輸出國區分    185
(八)科學園區  .  186
III-8-1.  歷年科學園區營業額-依產業別區分    186
III-8-2.  歷年科學園區研發經費-依產業別區分    187
III-8-3.  2018  年科學園區研發經費-依產業別與支出項目區分    188
III-8-4.  2018  年科學園區研發經費-依產業別與研發類型區分    188
III-8-5.  2018  年科學園區研發人力-依產業別區分    189
III-8-6.  2018  年科學園區研究人員-依產業別與學歷區分    189
III-8-7.  2018  年科學園區研究人員-依產業別與年齡組區分    190
III-8-8.  歷年科學園區就業員工數-依產業別區分  191
III-8-9.  歷年科學園區勞動生產力-依產業別區分  192
附錄    193
A.  調查說明    195
B.  統計名詞定義    211
C.  調查作業單位名稱    231
D.  問卷樣張    233
E.  OECD  行業分類    253
F.  經濟參考指標    265
G.  大專校院博士班學生投入研發人力之調查結果    269
H.  中華民國科技研究機構及組織體系表    273
I.  修正說明    277
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