*查詢台經院圖書館《 按我前往》
According to the advance of internet and technology, people can use smart device to receive more and more services. The study would like to observe the situation of foreign digital new media industry and main country’s policy direction.
In general, digital new media means the digitized information or service of video, music or Audio. However, in the new era of digital convergence, there are much more different applications in new media industry. Therefore, we will focus on the OTT to have a comprehensive study of digital new media. In order to that, we study some references to categorize OTT into six fields, including TV and video, music, communication, community, productivity and cloud computing.
This study mainly researches the developed situation of the OTT including US, European Union, Japan, South Korea, China and Taiwan, and makes some comparison between these countries. In summary, we find that we still have developmental niche in TV and Video, Music and Communication industries. In the foreign policy, US and South Korea both pass through the net neutrality rules, and European Union is discussing the issue in the present. Besides, in OTT communication, European Union would like to make some regulation and the OTT communication company in china need to have the license to operate. As for OTT video content, these countries all care about the Child and Adolescent Protection. However, most countries still don’t have clear regulation of OTT.
Based on the analysis of OTT development situation in foreign countries and advices from experts, the OTT still in developed in Taiwan, it’s too early to discuss the net neutrality issues. Therefore, we suggest the control of internet behavior should be more flexible for decreasing development difficulties. According to OTT industry chain, we propose the advice of inter-departmental cooperation, and devote to promoting the fields of video, music and communication..
壹、 前言 1
貳、 研究目的 1
參、 研究架構與內容 2
一、 研究架構 2
二、 研究內容 4
肆、 研究方法 5
伍、研究成果 7
一、數位新媒體產業概況與相關定義 7
二、主要國家OTT產業政策發展概況 8
(一)主要國家於OTT產業之政策規範 9
(二)國外OTT產業發展概況 22
三、我國OTT產業發展概況 62
(一)我國OTT影視發展現況 62
(二)我國OTT通訊平臺發展現況 70
(三)我國OTT音樂平臺發展現況 71
(四)我國OTT產業發展機會 72
四、我國OTT產業發展癥結 74
(一)OTT影視與音樂平臺發展癥結 75
(二)OTT通訊平臺發展癥結 78
五、消費者之數據行為分析 80
(一)OTT影視消費者習慣 85
(二)OTT音樂消費者習慣 87
(三)OTT通訊消費者習慣 88
六、OTT現行相關政策及方案之盤點 90
(一)數位匯流發展方案 90
(二)文化部相關計畫 94
(三)經濟部相關計畫 98
(四)小節 100
七、發展策略之建議 101
(一)建議施行之策略與工作項目 101
(二)跨部會分工建議 106
(三)跨部會分工與產業發展工作內容 110
(四)分期(年)執行策略 113
八、預期效果及影響 115
(一)目標設定與說明 115
(二)衡量標準及目標值之建議 115
(三)達成目標可能之限制 116
九、替選方案之分析及評估 116
(一)風險評估 116
(二)相關機關配合事項 117
(三)其他有關事項 117
陸、結論 119
一、OTT政策治理建議 119
二、我國產業發展規劃建議 122
(一)產業發展相關建議 122
(二)其他數位新媒體之發展趨勢 124
三、科技會報著力之處建議 125
柒、參考文獻 126
附件一、期中查驗意見與回覆表 130
附件二、座談會辦理 131
附件三、深度訪談 155
附件四、諮詢服務列表 178
附件五、產業脈動與新聞資訊 191
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