
關鍵字:多元化垃圾處理計畫 ,管理資訊平台,固體回收燃料,National Waste multi-disposal System Plan, Waste Management Information Platform, Solid Recovered Fuel, SRF



The development of waste treatment has its historical background and needs. At present, waste treatment in foreign countries has gradually turned to energy-recycling technology, which is to increase the maximum energy efficiency of waste under the new technology of heat treatment or biological treatment. As we faces difficulties in energy development, environmental awareness, and economic restructuring, the Executive Yuan adopted the “National Waste multi-disposal System Plan” on July 6, 2017, planning a total of central areas within six years (2017-2022). It will invest NT$15.3 billion in the development of waste energy-resources and gradually move toward the era of circular economy. The project aims to assist the administration of National Waste multi-disposal System Plan. Through the cooperation of the central authorities and the local governments, the waste treatment facilities are properly upgraded. The results of implementing the project in this year are as follows:

1.Completed the “National Waste multi-disposal System Plan Database”, which included the application information of the project case, the upgrading of the incineration plant and the cost of environmental protection facilities, and the local government's application for the case.
2.To assist in the written review of local government applications for the “National Waste multi-disposal System Plan”, a total of 13 cases, and continue to promote the progress tracking situation (funding situation) for local governments.
3.Completion of the “National Waste multi-disposal System Plan” application model for local government applications and related recommendations for EPA.
4.Complete the reference manual for waste energy-resource and environmental education promotion and the report of National Waste multi-disposal System Plan.
5.Completed the project related propaganda and technical exchange activities, including handling the conference with about 200 person-times. The project organized 4 conference for the incineration plants and facilities. The project also completed 2 films.
壹‧計畫背景 1
1.1  計畫緣起 1
1.2  計畫目標 3
1.3  計畫項目與內容 4
1.4  計畫架構與流程 6
1.5  執行進度及查核點 8
貳‧國內外相關技術、成本資訊蒐集與資訊平台建置 11
2.1  國內外廢棄物能資源化相關技術 11
2.1.1  機械處理技術(MT) 12
2.1.2  機械生物處理技術(MBT) 12
2.1.3  氣化技術 21
2.1.4  厭氧消化技術 24
2.1.5  灰渣處理與再利用技術 27
2.2  多元化垃圾處理計畫資料庫 33
2.2.1  資料庫整體架構 33
2.2.2  申請案件瀏覽 34
2.2.3  成本分析資料庫 37
2.2.4  專家資料庫 41
2.2.5  資料庫後續擴充規劃 44
參‧多元化垃圾處理計畫相關政策法規研析 47
3.1  多元化垃圾處理計畫之補助機制 47
3.1.1  地方政府可申辦項目 48
3.1.2  多元化垃圾處理計畫辦理模式 50
3.2  促進民間參與公共工程建設法與政府採購法比較分析 56
3.2.1  促參法概述 56
3.2.2  政府採購法概述 64
3.2.3  促參法與採購法之差異分析 66
3.2.4  我國促參法適用現況 70
3.3  地方政府辦理模式建議 73
3.3.1  地方政府目前及未來規劃辦理情形 73
3.3.2  地方政府辦理模式建議 77
3.3.3  以財政法制角度說明本計畫之補助機制 80
3.4  綠能燃料品質規範 84
3.4.1  國際間綠能燃料品質規範 84
3.4.2  國內SRF發展現況 89
3.4.3  綠能燃料應用技術規範草案 92
3.4.4  國內應用可行性評估 103
肆‧多元化垃圾處理計畫審查管考機制 113
4.1  審查作業機制 113
4.1.1  經費來源 113
4.1.2  審查作業規劃 114
4.1.3  審查補助標準 119
4.1.4  申請作業輔導規劃 127
4.2  追蹤及考核機制 128
4.2.1定期追蹤及彙整地方政府執行情形 128
4.2.2推動成效考核作業 132
4.3  焚化廠及環保設施現場診斷輔導 134
4.3.1  現場診斷輔導作業規劃 134
4.3.2  現場診斷輔導作業執行情形 136
伍‧多元化垃圾處理計畫推廣與宣導 141
5.1  環保設施興建暨環境教育推廣參考手冊 141
5.2  製作執行成果影片 142
5.3  多元化垃圾處理能資源化技術暨環境教育研討會 144
5.3.1  研討會規劃 144
5.3.2  研討會辦理情形 146
5.4  協助滾動式檢討執行成果報告 154
5.5  本計畫相關行政作業及幕僚工作 155
陸‧結論與建議 157
6.1  結論 157
6.2  建議 160
柒‧參考文獻 I
附件一      期初審查意見回覆表 附1-I
附件二      第一次工作進度報告審查意見回覆表 附2-I
附件三      期中報告審查意見回覆表 附3-I
附件四      第二次期中報告審查意見回覆表 附4-I
附件五      期末報告審查意見回覆表 附5-I
附件六      專家學者智庫諮詢小組名單 附6-I
附件七      地方政府申請計畫書格式 附7-I
附件八      地方政府申請案件審查記錄 附8-I
附件九      現場診斷輔導作業會議記錄 附9-I
附件十      「多元化垃圾處理計畫」環保設施興建暨環境教育推廣參考手冊 附10-I
附件十一  多元化垃圾處理計畫成果報告 附11-I
相關資訊請洽服務人員(02)2586-5000 分機237。