108年度「參與2019 APEC礦業週(Mining Week)」委外勞務採購案成果報告
出版品名稱:108年度「參與2019 APEC礦業週(Mining Week)」委外勞務採購案成果報告
關鍵字:APEC Mining Week

本(108)年亞太經濟合作會議(Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, APEC)於8月5日至8日在智利科皮亞波舉行礦業週(APEC Mining Week 2019),我方由經濟部礦務局周副局長國棟率團代表出席。此外,我代表團於8月6日下午與智利礦業局代表進行礦業雙邊會談,另也於會議期間與泰國與會代表及巴布亞紐幾內亞與會代表,就明年度主辦國馬來西亞是否舉辦礦業會議,及礦業相關議題進行非正式意見交流。
本次礦業週重要討論主題為: 礦業安全(Safety in the industry)、減少採礦時汞的使用(The reduction of the use of mercury)、永續礦業(Sustainable Mining)、礦業數位化、自動化最新趨勢(Digitalization, Automation)。我方前往參與礦業週,除了能夠掌握國際礦業相關最新動態趨勢之外,也可以與其他經濟體就礦業相關議題進行討論,更有利於我方強化與其他經濟體之互動關係,鞏固我方積極參與國際事務、國際組織之正面形象。

Mining Week was a Chilean self-funded project, which was implemented through a series of activities in Copiao City, on 5-8 August 2019. Our delagates are led by the Deputy Director General of Bureau of Mines, Ministry of Economic Affairs, R.O.C. (Taiwan). Chilean officials invited our delegates to hold a bilateral meeting on 6 August, discussing about the possibility of the tailing dam technical cooperation. Because the MTF no longer exist anymore, our delegates worked with the delegates of Thailand and Papua New Guinea to ask the next year APEC host economy Malaysia about holding another mining forum next year.

The key topics of the mining week are: mining safety, reducing the use of mercury in mining, sustainable mining, mining digitalization, and the latest trends in automation. When we participated in the Mining Week, in addition to being able to grasp the latest trends related to international mining, we could also discuss mining professional issues with other economies, which will help us strengthen our interaction with other economies and consolidate our positive image about attending international affairs.
第一章  總論 1
  第一節  研究背景與目標 1
  第二節  研究架構與方法 4
第二章  APEC礦業週主要議題研析 12
  第一節  礦業安全 12
  第二節  礦業的永續營運 21
  第三節  礦業潔淨的未來-電動車與再生能源 25
  第四節  採礦設備、技術和服務 30
  第五節  礦物的可追溯性與責任採購 38
  第六節  尾礦 44
  第七節  礦業新技術與區塊鏈 46
  第八節  礦業數位化對勞動的影響 50
  第九節  礦業數位化與資訊安全 52
第三章  2019年APEC礦業週會議紀實 54
  第一節  礦業安全研討會 58
  第二節  永續採礦研討會 62
  第三節  礦業政策公私部門對話會議 70
  第四節  礦業數位化高階政策對話會議 72
  第五節  雙邊會談 75
  第六節  會議觀察結論與建議 79
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