關鍵字:需求面管理,顧客價值分群,用戶互動參與,分群分析,智慧電表,Demand Side Management, Customer Segmentation, Customer Engagement, Cluster analysis, Smart meter

台灣夏季尖峰用電逐年成長,需求面管理(Demand Side Management, DSM)為有效節電措施,可提高用戶端用電效率與改善用戶高用電行為。台電公司推出許多不同類型的需求面管理措施與節約能源推廣宣傳,包括住商型簡易時間電價宣導、平台及文宣宣傳、舉辦節約能源宣導會與用戶互動等。

本計畫「用電健檢中心精進與節約能源推廣研究」,研析國外電業與公用事業之用戶互動、DSM節電推廣作法與網站設計風格元素,作為精進用電健檢中心之參考。如何精準進行顧客價值分群(Customer Segmentation),找出目標用戶客群分佈、節電潛力評估、提高用戶互動參與等措施,為需求面管理有效執行的重要關鍵。本計畫將透過大數據分析及輿情分析模型、節電行銷宣傳等理論為技術開發關鍵,解讀用戶互動數據與資料探勘,以獲用戶行為洞察與創見,持續優化節電宣導文宣設計,提高互動參與率以觸動用戶自主節能。

In Taiwan, the power consumption of the whole country reached a record high in summer. An effective technique known as Demand Side Management (DSM) can encourage the end consumer to be more energy efficient. Demand Side Management is the modification of consumer demand for energy through various measures such as equipment replacement and behavioral change through education. Taipower company rolled out Demand Response initiatives such as Time-Of-Use programs and summer electricity prices. The consumers were encouraged to reduce their electricity bills by adjusting the timing and amount of electricity use. The electric power system can benefit from the shifting of energy consumption from peak to non-peak hours.
This project “Optimization approach to the promotion tools for energy saving and demand side management” will collect and study foreign cases about promotion of DSM programs, customer interaction and utilities best material design website examples for improving the user experience of taipowerdsm-clinic website. For the low voltage AMI deployment, the target is 300 million units in 2024. The big data gathered from smart meters can provide better understanding of end customer behavior and facilitate residential customer segmentation precisely. This project will improve customer engagement platform, taipowerdsm-clinic website, to use smart meter data insights, like residential load curve profile, to deliver the useful message at the right time to the target end customer.
第四章、國外電業推廣作法蒐集及分析 1
4.1、蒐集國外電業推廣作法做為精進參考 1
4.2、日本電業推廣作法-用戶互動網站與社群粉絲專頁設計元素 3
4.3、日本電業推廣作法-多媒體節電宣傳管道 15
4.4、歐美電業推廣作法-用戶互動網站與社群粉絲專頁設計元素 19
4.5、歐美電業推廣作法-多媒體節電宣傳管道 22
4.6、蒐集國外電業最新DSM節電推廣作法 52
4.7、蒐集國外電業最新DSM節電網站設計風格 62
4.8、結論與建議 66
相關資訊請洽服務人員(02)2586-5000 分機237。