因應5G 發展下微型基地臺佈建及法規調適之委託研究採購案
出版品名稱:因應5G 發展下微型基地臺佈建及法規調適之委託研究採購案
關鍵字:5G,微型基地臺,智慧桿,行動通訊,法規調適,5G, Small Cells, Smart Pole, Mobile Communication, Legal Adjustment






A. Motivation
With the rapid development of communication technology, 5G base stations will be transformed into a combination of large and micro base stations in the future, in addition to large-scale base stations covering a wide range of signals, in order to achieve the three major aspects of 5G commercial transfer services—high speed and large connection and low latency. However, there are multiple construction methods for micro base station deployment methods or designs. This case aims to study the international micro base station regulatory methods, relevant laws and regulations and deployment methods, and proposes to promote the deployment of micro base stations in my country’s existing central and local public facilities or buildings. Recommendations on the adjustment of laws and regulations will serve as a reference for the National Communication Commission and other relevant authorities.

B.Method and Process
This research mainly adopted Document Analysis and Benchmarking, by collecting the systems and cases of advanced countries, as the background analysis of policies and regulations, and used In-depth Interviews to understand the deployment practices and deployment difficulties of smart pole companies, telecommunications companies, and local governments. The research team used the Focus Group Interview method, and held two meetings, inviting central government and local governments, professionals from the industry, government, academia, and stakeholders to focus on the research and analysis results of this case and discuss issues related to the deployment of micro base stations to gain interest. Finally, the research team comprehensively analyzed Taiwan’s current legal system and practices from the technical, operational and cost aspects using Comparative Research method, and offers forward immediate feasible and mid- to long-term recommendations.

C.Crucial Discovery
Internationally, the establishment of simplified procedures for deployment applications, the central government’s setting of the upper limit of deployment fees, adjustments to existing legal interpretations leniently recognize the legitimacy of deployment methods, work with industry, government and academia to utilize traffic signs as deployment vehicles, and the government actively assists in the release Public facilities or buildings, the release of more spectrum resources, the release of schematic diagrams of deployment projects, and the promotion of experimental sites to lower the threshold for deployment of micro base stations. In practice, to promote deployment, standardization of deployment specifications, drafting of deployment blueprints, proposing typical attached equipment power meters, government providing reference for deployment methods, setting up third-party agencies, establishing single windows, and participation of power companies in deployment, and make use of various deployment carriers and other measures are mainly adopts by main countries. In addition, regulations or policies regulate the deployment of site selection, aesthetic requirements, and multiple telecommunications companies to jointly construct priorities.

D.Main Suggestions
The research team suggests that telecommunications regulations should be revised in the following directions:
a. Add power deployment regulations to realize the diversification of legal deployment carriers.
b. Adjust the aesthetic requirements and specifications.
c. Adjust multiple telecom operators co-construct regulations.

Besides, the research team also provides many advices on deployment cooperation and possible additions and amendments to related laws and regulations, including deployment specification, public sector cooperation mechanism, power dispatch, site selection, aesthetic requirements and deployment fees, deployment carriers, etc.

Based on the above, the research team made the following immediate feasible and mid- to long-term recommendations:
a. Immediately feasible suggestions
(a)Formulate specifications as soon as possible:
It is recommended that the Bureau of Standards, Metrology, and Inspection and in conjunction with relevant competent authorities (including National Communication Committee and information security maintenance agencies), carry out the specification testing and field verification of 5G micro base station deployment by legal deployment carriers, and inspect local deployment performance of the government, taking into account the solution suggestions put forward by the industry after the actual deployment, and formulating detailed specifications for power supply, centralized control, 5G equipment physical requirements and deployment carriers.
(b)Grasp the local deployment obstacles and deployment requirements:
Even if the deployment of 5G micro base stations urgently needs to be coordinated by the central inter-ministerial meeting and local inter-bureaus, the city planning, application requirements, and deployment obstacles of each county and city should be initially counted, deployment carriers and deployment site selection restrictions, etc.
(c)Invite power companies to negotiate power layout:
Micro base stations are closely related to power sources. Therefore, the power companies should be negotiated to form a balanced public and private benefit power charging and project implementation solutions.
(d)Establish the principle of deployment fees as soon as possible:
Telecom operators should first consider economic benefits in deployment. In order to promote the deployment of micro base stations, the central government should regulate local government fees and charges, and authorize local governments to adjust the discretionary power of fees according to local conditions. Besides, launching experimentation for 5G equipment setup related cost sharing, and gradually form a reasonable cost sharing principle.
b. Medium and long-term recommendations
(a)Utilize more legal deployment carriers:
As legal deployment carriers are quite diverse, it is recommended that the deployment possibilities of other carriers should be reviewed at any time.
(b)Planning extensive local telecom deployments and adjusting Right of Ways acquisition regulations:
In order to make more use of more deployment vehicles, it is recommended to plan a budget for extensive local telecom deployment, and increase Right of Ways acquisition regulations.
(c)Establish a third-party agency to coordinate deployment matters:
For telecommunications operators, central or local related agencies, equipment vendors, power companies, or residents near the deployment site, the establishment of a third-party agency helps to exchange opinions and adjust deployment requirements. Besides, the legal system and the objective environment may be improved, and what is more, be responsible for handling residents’ petitions and protests. In this way, the establishment of third-party agencies to eliminate disputes and reduce the negotiation costs of all stakeholders will help form a multi-win and mutually beneficial situation.
第一章 研究架構 1
第一節 研究主題 1
第二節 研究緣起與目的 2
第三節 研究方法、技術與工具 3
第二章 國際微型基地臺技術發展 7
第一節 微型基地臺技術 7
第二節 5G時代下微型基地臺發展趨勢與困境 11
第三章 主要地區微型基地臺規管方式及相關法令研析 13
第一節 美國 13
第二節 歐盟 26
第三節 英國 33
第四節 日本 35
第五節 新加坡 45
第六節 澳洲 46
第七節 加拿大 49
第八節 香港 50
第九節 韓國 51
第十節 德國 69
第十一節 中國大陸 74
第十二節 研究成果與建議 83
第四章 微型基地臺佈建方式與案例研析 91
第一節 英國佈建規畫 91
第二節 美國科羅拉多州丹佛市 92
第三節 美國華盛頓哥倫比亞特區 116
第四節 美國麻薩諸塞州 132
第五節 韓國佈建實例 152
第六節 日本交通號誌佈建藍圖 161
第七節 研究成果與建議 174
第五章 智慧路燈佈建微型基地臺研析 179
第一節 佈建規格制定必要性 179
第二節 公部門協力機制 182
第三節 電力調度困境 184
第四節 選址考量 186
第五節 複數電信業者共構可能性 188
第六節 資訊平臺建置需求 190
第七節 美化要求 191
第八節 智慧路燈新設需求 191
第九節 我國智慧路燈佈建5G微型基地臺之實務考量 191
第十節 研究成果與建議 193
第六章 焦點座談會建議研析 195
第一節 中央焦點座談會建議研析 195
第二節 地方焦點座談會建議研析 206
第七章 微型基地臺佈建與電信法規調適建議 215
第一節 電信法及行動通信網路業務基地臺設置使用管理辦法 215
第二節 電信管理法及公眾電信網路基地臺設置使用管理辦法 217
第三節 研究成果與建議 219
第八章 微型基地臺佈建與公有設施或建物相關法規調適 223
第一節 微型基地臺佈建與路燈桿地方管理法規 223
第二節 微型基地臺佈建與交通號誌桿管理法規 227
第三節 微型基地臺佈建與電力桿管理法規 227
第四節 地方政府公有不動產管理法規 227
第五節 研究成果與建議 234
第九章 研究發現與結論建議 239
中外文對照表 251
參考資料 261
Part  A  中文文獻 261
Part  B  外文文獻 262
附件一 台灣電信產業發展協會訪談紀錄 271
附件二 智慧路燈業者訪談紀錄 274
附件三 桃園市政府養護工程處訪談紀錄 289
附件四 「因應5G發展下微型基地臺佈建及法規調適」中央焦點座談會 305
附件4.1 中央焦點座談會會議紀錄 305
附件4.2 中央焦點座談會會議簽到表 321
附件4.3 中央焦點座談會會議照片 324
附件4.4 中央焦點座談會會議簡報 326
附件五 「因應5G發展下微型基地臺佈建及法規調適」地方焦點座談會 339
附件5.1 地方焦點座談會會議紀錄 339
附件5.2 地方焦點座談會會議簽到表 354
附件5.3 地方焦點座談會會議照片 357
附件5.4 地方焦點座談會會議簡報 359
附件六 臺北市市區道路使用費申報說明對照表 379
附件七 期中審查委員審查建議事項回覆表 381
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