關鍵字:能源先期管理,最佳可行技術,能源效率,The Preliminary Energy Management,Best Available Techniques,energy efficiency




In accordance with Article 15-1 and Article 16 of the Energy Administration Act, the Central Competent Authority (the Authority) should implement the assessment on massive investment and production plans, concerning the quantity, types, efficiency and location of their energy consumption, so to conduct “Preliminary Energy Management (PEM).” The Authority promulgated the “Regulations Governing the Assessment of Energy Development and Utilization” (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) on November 24, 2015. It is implemented in a two-phase approach: in phase 1 the energy efficiency of a new establishment or expansion of the production facilities within a massive investment and production plan would be assessed. Nonetheless, in accordance with the trajectory of Taiwanese energy transition development, energy supply system would be more distributed, and the liberalization of electricity market is happening as anticipated, and thus in phase 2, to reinforce mechanism of PEM, the authority would assess the reasonableness of energy consumption, making sure that the efficiency of the plan can be achieved via adaption of Best Available Techniques (BATs), the types of energy choice are consistent to Taiwanese energy transition policy, and the quantity of energy consumption is of reasonableness. This project is conducted so to achieve the following goals: to assist the authority to implement PEM, to conduct analysis responding to current energy/environmental issues domestically and internationally, and to draft relevant regulations so to perfect the PEM system.

The Project shall continue its previous achievements, including 9 sectors: (1) to assist the Authority to assesses Energy Utilization Manual submitted by energy users (2) to assist the Authority to audit the executing of the Manuals and to follow-up the development process of the plans; (3) to improve the PEM System (the System) and provide advices for relevant legal amendment work; (4) to assist in the stockpiling and reviewing the auditing standard of the Manual, as well as legal process facilitation; (5) to implement and manage the MIS of the System; (6) to review and improve the existing supportive counseling and coaching mechanism for prospective investors; (7)to assist the authority with the aspect of energy facility planning within Taiwanese spatial development plan; (8) to assist with other business concerning the auditing of the Manual; and (9) other miscellaneous assignments or dispatches related to the Regulation and the System.

Through the aforesaid outcomes, it is expected to reinforce the implementation of the System, increase energy consumption efficiency of relevant industries, improve the functioning of the System, and ameliorate the efficacy thereof.
經濟部能源局111年度年度執行報告審查意見回復表 I
經濟部能源局111年度期中報告審查意見回復表 IV
經濟部能源局111年度計畫書審查意見回復表 VIII
經濟部能源局111年度年度執行報告摘要說明 XI
圖目錄 XV
表目錄 XVII
壹、前言 19
一、 研究背景 19
二、 研究目的 19
貳、計畫執行情形檢討 20
一、 計畫內容架構 20
二、 計畫執行成效 22
(一) 協助辦理能源使用說明書審查事宜 22
(二) 協助經能源使用說明書審查案件之定期追蹤與執行情形查核作業 39
(三) 能源先期管理制度之精進與推動,並研提修法建議 45
(四) 協助能說書審查基準盤點、檢視與法制作業程序 74
(五) 協助能源使用說明書申請及審查數位化作業規劃與建置 83
(六) 協助能源先期管理制度相關資料建置、管理與維護 100
(七) 廠商輔導機制滾動檢討與精進 108
(八) 協助國土計畫能源設施規劃相關管理事宜 123
(九) 其他 127
三、 目標達成情形 130
(一) 實際進度與預定進度比較 130
(二) 查核點說明 130
(三) 工項達成情形 134
四、 資源運用檢討 138
(一) 人力運用情形 138
(二) 經費運用情形 139
(三) 設備採購與使用情形 140
(四) 保留款項執行情形 140
(五) 計畫收入表 140
(六) 分包研究計畫摘要說明 140
(七) 派員出國計畫摘要說明 140
參、成果說明 141
一、 執行成果統計表 141
二、 重要成果清單 144
三、 性別主流化推動成效及投入經費統計 148
肆、結論與建議 149
一、結論 149
二、建議 151
附件一、經濟部能源局其他年度計畫審查意見回覆表 附1-I
附件二、研究成果照片及說明 附2-I
附件三、能源使用說明書填寫參考手冊 附3-I
附件四、能源使用說明書查核自評表填寫參考手冊 附4-I
附件五、電力類(含汽電共生類)BAT研修討論決議內容 附5-I
附件六、鋼鐵業BAT研修討論決議內容 附6-I
相關資訊請洽服務人員(02)2586-5000 分機237。