關鍵字:2050淨零排放,2050 zero emission,溫室氣體盤查,Greenhouse gas inventory,廢棄物處理,Waste disposal,再生能源電廠,Renewable energy power plant

1. 評估焚化廠溫室氣體排放現況及減量抵換建議及解決方案

2. 評估地方政府推動以廢棄物轉化為燃料之再生能源發電廠過程中,其效益及各環節應注意項目

3. 研提輔導地方政府推動再生能源發電廠建議及解決方案,作為後續機制建立參考

4. 評估廢棄物處理設施申請溫室氣體減量抵換、再生能源憑證及實施綠電交易制度之可行性,提出建議優先申請項目及預期效益,以及推動方案及管理策略

1. Evaluation of the Current Situation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Incineration Plants and Suggestions and Solutions for Carbon Offsetting and Reduction
This project evaluated the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of 9 incineration plants in Taiwan that have undergone GHG inventory checks and third-party verifications. The study found that GHG emissions are highly correlated with the incineration capacity. Furthermore, the "Climate Change Response Act," which was announced and implemented on February 15, 2023, and relevant sub-laws are currently being revised. It is suggested that the application for emission reduction offsets by incineration plants should be evaluated based on the sub-law’s amendments of the Environmental Protection Agency (for example: voluntary emission reduction projects and voluntary emission reduction plans) to determine the appropriate application plan. 

2. Evaluation of the Benefits and Key Considerations in Local Government Promotion of Waste-to-Fuel Renewable Energy Power Plants
This project evaluated the benefits and key considerations in the process of local government promoting waste-to-fuel renewable energy power plants. The evaluation covers various aspects such as policies, environment, finance, and public acceptance. The results indicated that promoting waste-to-energy power generation can achieve both waste treatment and energy conservation and carbon reduction. Furthermore, if waste treatment facilities intend to apply for the installation of renewable energy power generation equipment in the future, the application mechanism would fall under the category of type II renewable energy power generation equipment. In the future, practical considerations should be evaluated in various aspects such as land acquisition, construction, operation, and maintenance management.

3. Recommendations and Solutions for Assisting Local Governments in Promoting Renewable Energy Power Plants, as a Reference for Establishing Subsequent Mechanisms
Based on the evaluation of the benefits of local government promotion of waste-to-energy power generation, this project recommends establishing a platform for promoting waste management policies and providing technical consultation and exchange in Taiwan. This platform will integrate government strategic planning into local government low-carbon and zero-emissions promotion plans, in order to assist local governments in promoting or supporting manufacturers to build greenhouse gas inventory capabilities for waste treatment facilities.

4. Evaluation of the feasibility of applying for greenhouse gas reduction offset, renewable energy certificates, and implementing the green energy trading system for waste treatment facilities and proposing priority application items and expected benefits, as well as promotion plans and management strategies
Based on the feasibility evaluation of various mechanisms for waste treatment facilities, the results show that, taking incineration plants as an example, if they intend to apply for various mechanisms in the future, purchasing offsets in the short term is the best option, followed by entering the green energy market, and finally applying for voluntary emission reduction projects. For the medium to long term, it is better to make a follow-up evaluation depending on the regulatory intensity of the Climate Change Response Act, the increase rate of carbon credit prices, and the rate of decline in green energy prices.
第一章  計畫緣起 1
第一節    背景 1
第二節    計畫目標及執行架構 12
第三節    計畫進度說明 15
第二章  評估廢棄物焚化廠溫室氣體排放現況及評估取得減量額度之可行性 17
第一節    盤點至少6處廢棄物焚化廠(以國內24座大型焚化廠為標的)溫室氣體排放量資料,並計算其佔全國整體溫室氣體排放之比重 18
第二節    評估廢棄物焚化廠溫室氣體排放量計算方法與排放係數不確定性數值 35
第三節    彙整國內外廢棄物處理設施溫室氣體排放相關政策、法規及推動經驗 54
第四節    評估廢棄物焚化廠實際申請溫室氣體減量額度各環節執行困難及應注意項目 77
第三章  評估以廢棄物轉化為燃料之再生能源發電廠運作現況 95
第一節    蒐集及研析國內外以廢棄物轉化為燃料之再生能源發電廠案例資料 95
第二節    針對再生能源發電廠案例分析法規政策、申請流程、設置規模、操作維護成本、發電收入及環境與經濟效益等指定項目 110
第三節    評估地方政府推動以廢棄物轉化為燃料之再生能源發電廠過程中,其效益及各環節應注意項目 118
第四節    研提輔導地方政府推動再生能源發電廠建議及解決方案,作為後續機制建立參考 127
第四章  評估廢棄物處理設施申請溫室氣體減量額度、再生能源憑證及實施綠電交易制度之關聯性、可行性及效益分析 129
第一節    彙整廢棄物處理設施推動溫室氣體減量額度、再生能源憑證及綠電交易等制度之關聯性、可行性,並評估建議優先申請項目及預期效益 129
第二節    研析廢棄物處理設施推動溫室氣體減量額度、再生能源憑證及綠電交易等制度,提出推動方案及管理策略 139
第五章  綜合行政工作 145
第一節    溫室氣體排放盤查技術交流會議 145
第二節    派員出席相關會議 156
第六章    結論與建議 161
第一節 結論 161
第二節 建議 165
參考文獻 167
附件一  歷次會議意見辦理情形 附件1-1
附件二  我國24座焚化廠節能技術及效益(2021) 附件2-1
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