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After the US-China trade war and the impact of the pandemic, the trend of division of labor in the international supply chain has undergone major changes. While pursuing production efficiency, international companies have also begun to rethink the resilience and security of the industrial supply chain. Although the international economic outlook remains uncertain, major countries believe that the development and application of emerging technologies will still be an important trend in future industrial development. Therefore, governments of various countries continue to promote the research and development or related industrial applications of new technologies such as 5G/6G, metaverse, SiC, and space, hoping to master future industrial development.
The market impact and impact brought about by geopolitics and the reorganization of international supply chains are key issues facing the current Taiwan industrial development and layout. Taiwan’s industrial development needs to identify opportunities for industrial transformation and new growth, including how to improve the industrial development environment and enhance industrial competitiveness through net-zero emissions, and how to harness and transform the energy of future science and technology into the driving force for industrial upgrading and transformation. In addition, how Taiwan's industrial supply chain can carry out cross-industry and transnational cooperation, re-arrange the international market, and review and adjust the domestic industrial production environment, so that Taiwan's industry can give full play to its key advantages, enhance industrial competitiveness, and maintain industrial innovation momentum.
第一章 111年至112年國際經貿情勢回顧與變化 1
第一節 國際整體環境變化 1
第二節 臺灣產業發展課題 17
第二章 新國際情勢政策下產業創新 21
第一節 因應國際ESG趨勢,臺灣產業政策規劃思維改變 21
第二節 運用我國既有優勢帶動新產業發展之策略研析 33
第三節 從美國產業巨擘布局看臺灣資通訊產業的因應之道 44
第三章 全球供應鏈重組下新興競合態勢 58
第一節 臺美中產業競合下供應鏈策略 58
第二節 東協潛力產業之臺灣拓展機會及對策 67
第三節 韓國近年經濟產業發展變化對臺灣政策之借鏡 79
第四章 前瞻科技發展下新產業布局 91
第一節 標竿日本低軌衛星產業化政策精進產業政策布局 91
第二節 從第三類半導體碳化矽發展趨勢看我國產業的發展方向 99
第五章 產業升級調整下基礎環境盤點 116
第一節 產業發展之淨零轉型與用地發展之因應 116
第二節 勞工工作環境條件之變革與影響 146
第六章 結論與政策建議 158
第一節 結論 159
第二節 政策建議 168
附錄一、經濟部產業發展署 112年度專案計畫審查委員意見辦理說明 177
相關資訊請洽服務人員(02)2586-5000 分機237。