關鍵字:產業發展,國際趨勢,ndustrial Development, international Trends






After the US-China trade war, global pandemic, geopolitics and other impacts, the international community is facing unprecedented new changes in the post-epidemic period. Whether it is the overall economy, politics, industry, national security and other fields, more emphasis is placed on the importance of global de-risking. Today, all countries are facing major changes such as the new Cold War between China and the United States, the decentralization of regional production in supply chains, the localization of key strategic industries, the strengthening of trustworthy regional cooperation, and economic security. Under the mainstream trend of global de-risking, countries' governments are playing a greater role and influence in the market through policy guidance.

Considering the overall economic resilience and the independence of key industries, countries' governments can indirectly guide the transformation of corporate supply chain layout. The main purpose is to achieve economic security and enhance economic resilience. In recent years, the international events that have overturned the global economic and trade system will have a major impact on Taiwan's future economic and industrial development. It is necessary to construct a medium- and long-term industrial development strategic plan to target Taiwan's industrial competitiveness, economic and industrial development model, and economic security as early as possible, and formulate future policy recommendations. According to the analysis of this study, Taiwan is facing new changes in international politics and economy. The key to continuing to strengthen Taiwan's overall industrial competitiveness in the future lies in the development of domestic industries towards high value. In addition to strengthening the optimization of the country's industrial development environment, in response to the current global net-zero carbon reduction In line with the trend of digital transformation, domestic industries should be accelerated to promote net-zero and digital dual-axis transformation, which is an important key to improving Taiwan's industrial competitiveness in the future. At the same time, in terms of global layout, in the face of changes in global supply chain trends, it is particularly important to promote our country's industries to extend their value chains outwards.

By continuing to enhance the country's global visibility, Taiwan will promote domestic industries to expand overseas talent and technology exchanges to stabilize our country. The importance of the global supply chain ensures the industry's mid- to long-term competitiveness. Finally, under the principle of ensuring national economic security, avoid international unfair competition, protect, and prevent key raw materials and sensitive data required for industrial production, strengthen international cooperation in the production and supply of key industries, and build an industrial risk early warning system, etc. These are all aspects worthy of attention in the future.
第一章  緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究內容 3
第三節 研究架構 6
第二章  國際政經趨勢發展、重點政策與未來新局 7
第一節 國際供應鏈重組 7
第二節 淨零轉型 58
第三節 關鍵礦物 98
第四節 數位轉型 120
第五節 經濟安全 155
第六節 小結 178
第三章  地緣政治下臺灣產業國際競爭力之評估與發展契機 180
第一節 臺灣產業當前供應鏈布局變化 181
第二節 臺灣重點產業對外布局結盟之可能研析 253
第三節 小結 291
第四章  國際新趨勢下臺灣經濟發展模式調整 296
第一節    臺灣經濟發展模式調整 296
第二節    我國經濟成長戰略 329
第三節    小結 332
第五章  中國不公平競爭對臺灣經濟安全影響及因應 335
第一節 國際針對經濟安全相關論述 335
第二節 臺灣依賴中國產業之篩選機制說明 342
第三節 臺灣依賴中國產業篩選結果 356
第四節 臺灣高風險產品對我國之影響 366
第五節 小結 396
第六章  結論與建議 399
第一節 結論 399
第二節 政策建議 407
參考資料 414
附錄 430
附錄一  日本、韓國政府開發協助(ODA)做法及現況 430
附錄二  近三年我國對中國進出口依賴高風險產品情形 435
附錄三  期初審查意見回覆 457
附錄四  期中審查意見回覆 467
附錄五  期末審查意見回覆 487
附錄六  第1場專家座談會會議記錄 513
附錄七  第2場專家座談會會議記錄 517
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