關鍵字:偏鄉寬頻基礎建設,5G體驗,數位落差,Broadband infrastructure in rural areas, Digital Divide, 5G experience
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本計畫藉由補助方式,加速電信事業設置5G行動寬頻基地臺及1 Gbps等級固定寬頻網路,保障偏鄉民眾近用高速網路的權益,並鼓勵設置具備援電力、傳輸設備的行動通訊平臺,及強化其基礎設施的耐震、抗風能力,確保民眾可使用110、112等緊急通訊,接收災防告警訊息;此外亦透過設置機動式通訊平臺、擴充微波與海纜系統容量,進一步增強備援傳輸能力,使偏鄉及離島地區具有足夠通訊應變能力。
113年累計補助215案偏鄉及離島地區補助案,包含設置184件偏鄉高速網路(補助181臺5G行動基地臺 及3案 Gbps等級固定寬頻網路)、11件具72小時備援電力及4件具備援傳輸能力之通訊平臺、13件耐風及抗震之通訊平臺、15件機動式通訊平臺(移動式核網、行動車及其設備等)及1件擴充臺馬微波系統備援容量補助案。
To enhance the resilience of Taiwan's overall communication network, the Ministry of Digital Affairs (MoDA) has planned a three-dimensional framework encompassing land, sea, and air. This initiative integrates public communication networks such as fixed-line, mobile, satellite, and submarine cable systems to construct a diverse and heterogeneous three-dimensional communication network. Through a communication resource scheduling mechanism, MoDA aims to ensure that basic and secure communication can be maintained across all levels of society under extreme circumstances.
To effectively consolidate project resources and improve administrative efficiency, MoDA integrated relevant forward-looking projects and formulated the "Guidelines for Subsidizing Telecommunications Networks in Rural Areas." On February 22, 2023, MoDA entrusted the Taiwan Institute of Economic Research (our team) to establish the "Telecommunications Universal Access Project Office" to assist in advancing telecommunications universal service efforts. The core responsibilities of our team include "managing universal access projects," "conducting acceptance reviews of universal access projects," and "undertaking surveys on the outcomes of telecommunications universal access initiatives," alongside related infrastructure development tasks.
This project, through subsidy programs, accelerates the deployment of 5G mobile broadband base stations and 1 Gbps-grade fixed broadband networks, safeguarding the right of rural residents to access high-speed networks. It also encourages the deployment of mobile communication platforms equipped with backup power and transmission facilities while strengthening infrastructure resilience against earthquakes and typhoons. These measures ensure public access to emergency communications such as 110 and 112 services and disaster prevention alert messages. Additionally, by deploying mobile communication platforms and expanding the capacity of microwave and submarine cable systems, the project further enhances backup transmission capabilities, providing sufficient communication resilience for rural and outlying island areas.
In 2024, a total of 215 subsidy cases were approved for rural and outlying island areas. These include 184 high-speed network projects in rural areas (subsidizing 181 5G mobile base stations and 3 Gbps-grade fixed broadband networks), 11 communication platforms with 72-hour backup power, 4 platforms with backup transmission capabilities, 13 platforms designed for wind resistance and seismic resilience, 15 mobile communication platforms (such as mobile core networks, vehicles, and equipment), and 1 subsidy case for expanding the backup capacity of the Taiwan-Matsu microwave system.
In the first and second halves of this year (2024), MoDA conducted telecommunications universal access fund and forward-looking project outcome inspections in Penghu County and Kinmen County, respectively. In collaboration with telecommunications operators, 5G experience events were held at Chidong Elementary School in Penghu County and Xikou Elementary School in Kinmen County. These events allowed teachers and students in rural and outlying island areas to experience diverse applications of AR, VR, and AI technologies in education, healthcare, sports, and entertainment.
During the outcome inspection in Penghu County, live streaming and online video quality tests were conducted aboard a Penghu ferry to evaluate the effectiveness of forward-looking project subsidies and ensure better network experiences for rural residents during sea voyages. For the Kinmen County inspection, visits were arranged to submarine cable landing points and microwave towers to gain deeper insights into the operation and resilience enhancement of Kinmen's microwave and submarine cable communication systems.
第一章、緣起 1
第二章、計畫目標與執行成果 4
第一節、 計畫目標達成情形 4
第二節、 執行成果 5
一、5G行動寬頻基地臺及1 Gbps等級固定寬頻網路 6
二、具備援電力之通訊平臺 7
三、具備援傳輸之通訊平臺 8
四、強化通訊基礎設施 10
五、機動式行動通訊平臺 11
六、增加或擴充海纜微波容量 14
第三章、電信普及計畫成果訪查 15
第四章、其他管理服務執行情形 16
第一節、前瞻計畫及普及服務開放資料 16
第二節、立法院書面意見答覆 17
第三節、113年會議辦理情形 17
第五章、特殊事項之檢討與建議 18
第一節、調整前瞻計畫統計資料 18
第二節、修正補助作業要點 18
第三節、補助案成果評估 19
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